Oct 29, 2008 21:10

So, we have recently cleaned out our book collection, and as a result, there are a whole *ton* of books I am getting rid of: lots of older SF particularly, but also some general fiction and some non-fiction.

If anybody on my flist wants any, I will send them to you for the shipping costs (if the shipping turns out to be <$1, like for one paperback ( Read more... )

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frek October 30 2008, 01:58:59 UTC
Oh Books!! Oh, I hope I haven't asked for too many...

I would be really interested in all of the Piers Anthony, all of the Bruce Coville as well as these Orson Scott Card Books:

First Meetings: In the Enderverse
Speaker for the Dead (enderverse)
Xenocide (Ender, Book 3)

Hound of the Far Side - Gary Larson
Bride of the Far Side - Gary Larson

That may be it, I'll be back in a moment if I see anything else.


melannen October 30 2008, 02:10:22 UTC
I think you missed out on First Meetings by about two minutes, but you can have the rest! (And you've still got fewer than Mel, so no worries, as long as you're okay with paying the shipping.)


frek October 30 2008, 02:18:13 UTC
Oh well, I'm sure I'll find it again. :)

If it's okay to add a few more (if they're not already taken, of course):

Kids' Paper Airplane Book - Ken Blackburn
A Little Princess - Frances Hodgson Burnett
A Tale of Two Cities
Oliver Twist - Dickens
Atlas Shrugged
The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
Romeo & Juliet
Antony & Cleopatra - Shakespeare

And I'm totally okay with shipping. :) Do you take paypal for it? Either way, just let me know, what I need to do (email?)... <3

Thank you again!!


melannen October 30 2008, 02:55:41 UTC
All yours!


melannen October 30 2008, 03:01:05 UTC
Oh, sorry, yes, e-mail me your address! I'll e-mail you back in a few days with shipping info.

There will be a paypal option; there may be others, I'm investigating.


melsmarsh October 30 2008, 02:23:10 UTC
Oh trust me, if you ever think I am too greedy just smack me around a bit. I just really dig books. :)


melannen October 30 2008, 02:56:22 UTC
Oh, it's fine, I just want them gone where they can't tempt me to keep them anymore. You've set a standard for people to aspire to, that's all! :D


melsmarsh October 30 2008, 03:02:01 UTC

One time someone was giving away over 1000 books. I requested over 100 of them within a week. :-) That is my record. LOL!


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