Oct 29, 2008 21:10

So, we have recently cleaned out our book collection, and as a result, there are a whole *ton* of books I am getting rid of: lots of older SF particularly, but also some general fiction and some non-fiction.

If anybody on my flist wants any, I will send them to you for the shipping costs (if the shipping turns out to be <$1, like for one paperback ( Read more... )

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melsmarsh October 30 2008, 01:37:58 UTC
From your Dad's section -

Fantastic voyages : learning science through science fiction films
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter
The Physics of Christmas: From the Aerodynamics of Reindeer to the Thermodynamics of Turkey
Course in beginning oil painting
The Mechanical Universe: Introduction to Mechanics and Heat
Scene design and stage lighting
Before The Beginning: Our Universe And Others (Helix Books)
My Vast Fortune: An Investor's Fiscal Triumphs and Money Misadventures
Dictionary of Science

Give me a second and I will look through your section. :)


melsmarsh October 30 2008, 01:56:07 UTC
From your section ( ... )


melannen October 30 2008, 02:08:44 UTC
Lost Cities has been claimed, but I think the others are yours!

I will be pulling them out & pricing & packing them over the weekend/Monday, so if you can email me (this lj name at yahoo) with your address before then, that would be great.


melsmarsh October 30 2008, 02:21:31 UTC
Thanks! :)


melsmarsh October 30 2008, 02:41:52 UTC
And I just sent you my address.

Thank you, this is making my X-mas shopping much easier as I technically have my daughter and partner done now. :D


melannen October 30 2008, 02:52:49 UTC
Oh - and I have a charity group that'll take whatever's left as a lot, but you can keep claiming until I officially declare claims over, which will mostly depend on how quickly I get stuff sent out. :D


melsmarsh October 30 2008, 03:00:56 UTC
Well let me know when the bulk of claims are over or when most books that are claimed are removed from LT (or are otherwise marked so I know they are gone), but before you send them off to charity. Then I will go through more to see what I else I can dig. :-D

I think one of those books that I just requested from you was actually on my amazon list. :D


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