I heard a lot of stories and I reckon they are true

Apr 25, 2006 10:31

The latest redaction of the fic-for-sale kerfuffle has turned into a discussion on Making Light about fanfic, mostly from a pro-writing point of view, and because it's TNH, and TNH knows where it's *at*, it's also mostly pro-fanfic (in the other sense of pro, that is.)

Read her comments - it says stuff about fanfic which I've wanted to say for a ( Read more... )

meta, fandom, sex, fic, politics

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Comments 24

relativity April 25 2006, 17:34:59 UTC
For people popping up in strange places on the internet: I still can't get over seeing Neil Gaiman comment on Making Light. I have to fight down the urge to bust out my inner fangirl and start squealing.

Your last sentence needs to be on an icon.

And other than that, all I can say is this is awesome.

(Found this post via the comment section of Making Light.)


melannen April 27 2006, 12:59:05 UTC
Neil Gaiman is definitely awesome. (Not that the ML people aren't too, it's just more unexpected...)

Thank you!


stephanometra April 25 2006, 18:17:36 UTC
I love you.

I linked the Making Light thread in my journal, and I'm going to link you as well.


stephanometra April 25 2006, 18:21:03 UTC
Also, I have no earthly idea how I have not run across you before (HP fen unite!), but I've added you as a friend and here is a heart: <3


melannen April 27 2006, 12:57:53 UTC
Added back! And thanks! <3


mhari April 25 2006, 18:49:04 UTC
....That? Is the best yet.



melannen April 27 2006, 12:59:45 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad it was liked.


the_star_fish April 27 2006, 17:13:27 UTC
You don't know me, but ... very well said. I was thinking to myself this morning (after trying to wade through the 'leventy-million comments at Making Light) that more and more, fandom is like a series of imprecise analogies. For everything. Yours works better than most; congratulations. *g*


melannen April 28 2006, 20:39:58 UTC
Ah, *reality* is just a series of ever more imprecise analogies. Did I ever tell you the story about the blind men and the elephant? *G*


isiscolo April 27 2006, 22:49:05 UTC
Woo, a very clever and entertaining analogy!


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