Things Found on the Top Shelf of my Closet, pt. 1/?

Apr 24, 2006 21:01

Sala Eilelan
Writing in 1967 ARR

... the Jedi Order, since the extermination of its traditional competitors the Dark Lords of the Sith, has faced far too little opposition, and thus for the past thousand years, lightsabers have been used in the field primarily as weapons of terror and mayhem against unarmed opponents. Still, the skills of the saber duelist are highly prized among the Jedi, although, as befits a decadent tradition, they are used almost solely in tournaments for sport. Yet as one who hopes that a time will again appear when Force users must battle equals, I cannot say that I wish to end the teaching of the art of the lightsaber. But there is more to a lightsaber fight than mere swordsmanship, although you will never hear these rules stated as such in the Temple on Coruscant. Let me share some advice about saber duels, gleaned from Jedi histories during my years of captivity in the Temple:

The primary goal of a lightsaber duel is not to kill, but to disarm one's opponent. Literally disarm.

All duels must be carried out in the most complex arena possible, preferably involving columns, catwalks, and bottomless pits. Moving parts and anything molten are also good. Collateral damage is encouraged.

Combatants are expected to use only their innate ability with the Force and their lightsabers. Using a projectile weapon, a shield, explosives, or any sort of supplementary weapon is unheard of, no matter how intelligent such a strategy might seem.

The only way to win a lightsaber duel is not to get in one.

Failing that, cheat ...

fic, star wars

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