Dec 01, 2006 19:21
So, it's been a while since I posted (whats new) so I thought I'd add a little this friday evening.
Last weekend was the first part of my friend, Chris' stag do. We ended up in London on the Saterday and met up with Hamish at his place for a suitable venue to begin a night of debauchery. A few beers down we suited and booted and headed off to the Dev for about 8ish. We passed a few sociable hours there before heading back to Angel for a night at the infamous slimelight.
It was pretty good fun, and I think everyone had a good time. Chris eluded us for a large portion of the evening as, being the old man that he is, he hid himself away in the cinema area. Dan, Mark and I had a fine old time dancing in the downstairs room to all of the oldies, occasionally coming up for air to visit some of the other rooms and to get a drink or two. It was certainly an experience I would want to repeat, although by the time I left I was knackered to the extreme. I have promised Katie that I will take her out there sometime in the new year, whenever that will be. I am glad that I don't make a habit of going to slimes (I think that this is my fourth or fifth time, and it hasn't changed that much since my last time). The people there were okay, most of them studiously ignoring anyone deemed to be new (or was it just me), but a few were friendly enough to sit and chat with.
The next morning after a disasterous train ride back at 7am I reached my home at 9ish and crashed out till about 4pm.
This weekend, as if my experiences in london were not enough to put me off, I am back into the big smoke for Dragonmeet in Kensington. This is the second part of Chris's stag do as we are hopefully meeting his brother and a few of his friends from Kent. I am going to be up early, hopefully to arrive at about 9ish at the doors. It should be a good day, and I thoroughly enjoyed the last two times I have been.
Okay, that's about enough for me. After this weekend I really must start putting more money aside for Christmas.
BTW: Ross, if you check this anymore, I will be down for an extended period over newyear and beyond (a week or two) so if you are up for resuming the usual game I will be around.
Until next time.