What a week

Dec 30, 2010 10:38

Hubbyfink and I woke up sick on Sunday and have been slogging through the past four days in a cold-medicine haze. We both stayed home Monday. He was sent home Tuesday. I very nearly called out sick yesterday and today, but managed to drag my sorry self into the office. I would have stayed home with the laptop, but there's no one to infect in this cube farm and I'm happy for the respite from the cats. I'm ever so grateful that I have tomorrow off as a holiday. Unless I'm feeling 1000% better, all weekend plans are canceled.

In other news, I've been torturing myself with local real estate listings. There are SO MANY beautiful single-family, stand-alone homes in Sterling for equal or less than what we paid for the townhouse. I've had all sorts of daydreams about fixing our current place up enough for renters and buying an actual house for us to live in. Of course, this elaborate scheme requires that we secure renters into the townhouse; there's no way we could afford mortgages on two places. I'm torn between thinking that this is merely a pipe dream and coming up with ways to make it a reality. What I need to do is cool my jets and continue repairing our current home with an eye towards saving for a down payment on our next home. We've been in the townhouse only four years and I'm quite sure the market won't rebound in the next year. There's time.

And because I've been so sick, I've been comfort eating a LOT. Oh, so much ice cream for the sore throat and soda for staying awake during the day. Lots and lots of other comforting and oh-so-fattening food. Got a less-than-delightful wake up at this morning's weigh in. I'm giving myself today and tomorrow to wallow and then I'm back on the righteous path on Saturday. And that includes exercising! We're getting a warm snap and I am going to take advantage of it.

Good gravy, I hope Bossman decides to make today a short one. The last email I received was at 6pm yesterday. Talk about a slow news day.

house hunt, illness

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