Today I'm feeling a lot more positive about my challenge and my goal. I've even decided upon my halfway point reward: a Kindle. I told Hubbyfink last night that I wanted a Kindle for Christmas, but this morning I decided that it would mean a lot more to me if I earned it. My first Ipod was a reward for working out regularly and I treasured that little piece of technology because it was spiffy and because it was a reward for hard work. I'm less than thirty pounds away from the mid-point. I can totally do that.
Mmmm... Kindle-y goodness. And I won't have to deal with a nightstand cluttered with paperbacks. I'm really looking forward to that.
Minor goal rewards are splurges on
Sihaya Designs Jewelry and facials.
Oh, and I've thought about the reward for reaching goal: a whole new wardrobe, of course!