Apr 27, 2010 13:02
I keep thinking our tree is an apple, but it's actually a dogwood. D'oh. Anyway, the condo association finally noticed the broken-yet-blooming-and-leafy boughs and sent a pruner person to fix the problem. The poor dogwood is half the tree it used to be. I suppose I could look on the bright side and consider that the lessening of shade means we might get some grass to grow in the front yard.
The clematis has been climbing the trellis and I pulled few tendrils from the peonies and trained those up the trellis as well. The clematis has already produced several large purple flowers. I'm very happy to see buds on the peonies. They didn't bloom at all last year and I missed them (although, the lack of their attendant ants was rather nice). My rose bush survived the winter and has put out a tiny bud and lots of leaves. Hooray! Only half of the gardenia survived and the surviving half isn't looking all that good. I need to baby it along.
I still want to rip out the boxwoods in the front bed. I would happily replace those suckers with hydrangeas or azaleas. Maybe next year.
Oreo has become comfortable enough to start displaying his bad habits. He loves hopping up on the kitchen counter and hanging out on the stove. This is not ideal. I need to pick up a squirt bottle for curbing that particular behavior. I also found large gravelly footprints all over the toilet seat, back and bathroom counter top this morning. Squirt bottle and more Lysol wipes, check.
Oreo stretched out on the sofa around and between us (he was in a weird corkscrew position) and Hubbyfink decided he had to know how long the cat is. Oreo was so dead to the world, he didn't flinch as we repositioned him and stretched him out on the sofa cushions. Thirty-five inches from extended back legs to extended front legs, but they weren't at full extension. Long cat is looooooong.
I'm ready to go camping again and I'm not sure when that will happen. I wasn't planning on attending Sapphire Joust -- and we have a household workday scheduled for that weekend -- but I'm feeling kinda twitchy wanting to be in canvas. I need to figure out my summer schedule.