Feb 10, 2010 12:10
I've now seen whiteout conditions and I don't want to experience them again. I'm halfway expecting to dig Jack Nicholson out of one of the snowbanks lining the front walk when we're able to escape our home. Any minute now, I will start typing "All work and no play make Melanie a dull girl". Hubbyfink made the mistake of saying "yes" when I asked if we have an axe.
In less ominous news, I have a pot of spicy chili simmering on the stove. It was looking a little too thin so I tossed a couple tablespoons of flour in to make it more roux-like. Now it's almost perfect. While I may not like to cook, I suppose I'm not too bad at it. Plus, some of the knowledge from all those cooking shows I watch must've slipped into the ol' brainmeats. Neat!
Last night's homework assignment did not go well. I've been playing with Google SketchUp in my copious free time by building 3D models of our basement floor (and impressing the pants off Hubbyfink in the process), so I've gotten pretty good at house models. Furniture models? Not so much. After six hours of work I was finally able to create a decent virtual turned wood leg for a sofa and soften the edges of sofa cushions. I still can't build the spindly armrests. *grump* If tonight's conference call ends on time, I'll join the live classroom conference and learn how to do these fancy things.
weather: snowpocalypse