I cleared most of the snow off Jeepfink, but it still has a bit of a snow 'fro. My arms got tired, what can I say? There is SO much snow between the cars and the street. And on the sides of the vehicles. Ugh. I think the Prius is staying put until the spring thaw.
Hubbyfink bundled back up and we walked through the neighborhood to check the condition of the streets. The guy at the Sherwood end of the street has a tree on his car. He thinks the car is probably okay because of all the cushioning snow on it. Poor dude.
The good news is that our neighborhood streets and Greenthorne are plowed, if slick, and the boulevard looks like it's merely damp at this point. The bad news is that there is a
LOT of snow between the
cars and the road. I guess I'll bundle up after lunch and get back to shoveling.