Dec 26, 2009 18:57
My loot: Sparkly necklace & earrings set and "Super Mario Bros Wii" from the 'fink (plus the laptop, of course); money from Mom; money, Waterford divided platter, jewelry box, monogrammed notebook thingie, monogrammed cocktail napkins, and crystal mouthwash decanter (I kid you not; the stopper is part shot glass) from Daddy & Linda.
Hubbyfink's loot: "Brutal Legend", "Borderlands", and money from Mom; knife sharpener, dress shirt, and Lowes gift card from Daddy & Linda; Flip Mino HD camcorder, tripod, carry case, and two pair Smartwool socks from me.
Christmas dinner: Honeybaked ham, green bean casserole, corn casserole, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberry salad and very aged cranberry cordial made by Jonah. Desert was apple pie.
Best part of the day: Watching the Tennessee family open their gifts via Skype and taking them on a video tour of our house and showing them all the snow on the ground. That really and truly was a lot of fun and took the edge off of not being there with everyone.
Today I put all that Christmas money to good use and spent a small fortune on new work clothes at Lane Bryant. Gotta love getting everything at nearly 75% between the store sale and extra discounts. Hubbyfink has, of course, been wearing a hole in the "Borderlands" game disc and is working on doing the same with "Brutal Legend". He will have to take a break in a few hours for the Doctor Who Christmas Special.
I think it's time for more pie.
games: video,
holiday: christmas,
consumer whore