Yesterday was yucky and drizzly, and Hubbyfink and I decided to take off for some out-of-beach-house couple time. We drove up to Timbuck II to have an old timey photo of us taken at Miss Kitty's Olde Time Photography. It's adorable! I'll scan it and share when we get home. We continued up the coast until we got to the four-wheel-drive area and turned around. Hubbyfink was grateful for not taking the Prius off-roading. We drove around the Currituck Lighthouse which isn't on the rocky outcropping as I'd assumed most lighthouses would dwell upon. It's in the middle of a small pine forest. Huh. We then drove back down to Duck and took a look at SoundFeet where Hubbyfink tried to buy another pair of Frog Feet
Five Fingers. Unfortunatley, his size in the style he wants is back-ordered until November.
We broke out
carthew's "Wii Resort" and had an absolute blast virtually pummelling the stuffing out of one another with the Swordfight game. I schooled Sir Tash who then schooled me in return. MissyAnne also schooled me pretty soundly. Hubbyfink was delighted that HMA trounced rapier when he repeated beat
ballistabob. I stomped Hubbyfink seven times and let him win the last two times. Gentle egos and all that. :)
pirategirleee made Chicken-n-Dumplins and Banana Pudding for dinner. It was DELICIOUS and the perfect antidote to yesterday's dreary weather. After dinner, a small group headed down to the theatre room for "Doctor Horrible" while another small group of us set up "Star Wars Trivial Pursuit" in the dining room. We chose poorly. After four rounds of questions, the girls revolted and said we wanted to play "Cranium" instead. The guys wisely acquiesed and then beat us despite
duchesssimone's creative and sometimes embarrassing puppetteering.
We capped off the evening with the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" in the theatre room. There were bubbles, glow sticks, feather boas, and a lot of alcohol. A grand time was had by all.
Oh hey, there's some bright orb in the sky which is causing objects on the ground to cast shadows. I must investigate.