I hear that my buddies at home had a frost warning last night. It's been downright chilly here in the mid-south since Saturday night. I'm so glad I brought a couple pairs of jeans and a sweater. We're supposed to be back in the mid-80s tomorrow or Thursday and both Hubbyfink and I are looking forward to the heat. It's been too chilly for him to hang out in the Florida room and read; that's his favorite thing to do when we visit and it was way too cold for that during our Christmas visit.
Last night Hubbyfink,
zipmeister and I helped
beaznuts move boxes from his storage unit to the new apartment. The apartment is gorgeous and has a similar layout to Hubbyfink's and my old apartment. Beaz and wife will live on the ground floor and overlook a lake full of wildlife. I got to work on my fear of duck teeth last night. There's a family of mallards with four puffy baby ducklings who live near the tree at the edge of the lake. They introduced themselves to us as we lazed on Beaz's patio. (Okay,
pirategirleee, baby ducks are pretty darn cute.) But then we heard a nasally honk from not too far away. A family of geese with seven poofy baby goslings waddled up and made a beeline for the patio, the parents hissing at us the whole time. We hissed back. Beaz ran inside for a moment and returned with a bag of Cheez-Its. Who knew that ducks and geese liked Cheez-Its? Those ducklings were adorable as they'd barrel down the yard for a cracker and then get startled away from a gosling which was twice their size.
I'm no longer afraid of duck teeth. Goose tongues, however, are a completely different matter. *shudder*.
Beaz's wife (his wife!) made us a thank-you dinner while Beaz forced us to watch "Dancing with the Stars" and "The Bachelorette". Now I understand what kind of people keep those shows on the air.