I feel completely rejuvenated. The glorious weekend weather, sleeping with bedroom windows open, spending time with wonderful friends... it all made for much happier Melanie.
zipmeister helped me set up an Xbox live account Friday night and now I'm waiting for friends and family to "friend" me back so we can pester each other in yet another venue. I also spent a few hours zapping raiders and mutants in Fallout 3 and pounding the drums in Rock Band 2. I finished reading Coraline before bed.
pirategirleee and Cassie rode with me up to Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival Saturday morning. We arrived just before noon and spent a whirlwind day of perusing displays, visiting with friends from near and far, shopping, and singing. You know my whinging about SCA events last week? I'm actually feeling kind of rejuvenated there, too. Seeing so many amazing and gorgeous displays as well as far-flung friends with whom I never get enough time recharged my batteries. It didn't hurt that nearly everyone was completely ga-ga over my rust-colored kirtle. :) I realized that I need to mend and make clothes. Everything I wore, with the exception of my headwrap, had at least one hole in it. Shock, horror, and embarrassment.
So... I know what I'll be doing with all my "free" time. Plus, I still want to paint my pavilion before Pennsic. Anybody want to help?
Sunday was spent catching up on laundry, cleaning cat boxes (OMG), BSG, Big Love, Rock Band, and watching home improvement shows with the Hubbyfink and getting ideas for the basement redo while gentle breezes wafted through the townhouse. Yay, spring!