What I've been up to

Dec 30, 2012 14:22

A lot of Lego, to be honest.

Hubbyfink got me hooked with the Monster Fighters line in October, maybe September, and I have succumbed to the siren call of little plastic blocks. Actually, it's not fair to blame this on Scott since I already had a Lego minifig habit thanks to Think Geek. However, I had stayed away from the sets because, as I stated repeatedly, that way lies madness. I am now fully down that mad rabbit hole.

October was full of finishing the Monster Fighter sets culminating with the Haunted House, my birthday gift from Hubbyfink. I worked on it over the weekend before Thanksgiving, and just over thirteen hours later it was complete.


Lord Vampyre chases off a Zombie salesman...

...while the Wolfman begs for scraps at the kitchen door.

Ghosts abound.

First floor, left side (not all pieces are stock).

Second floor, left side (again, not all pieces are stock).

They've kidnapped the Sandy Claws! (who is absolutely not stock with the house)

Right side with kitchen, bedroom, and attic.

So, that's the house. I'll post photos of Lord Vampyre's Castle and of my newest obsession: The Hobbit.


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