Jun 23, 2011 10:21
Phase one of braces installation was pretty traumatic to be perfectly honest. The spacers the orthodontist inserted around my six year molars on Friday did not successfully create enough space around those four teeth to allow for easy insertion of the anchor bands. He and the assistant managed to get two bands on, but they weren't sitting straight and the other two teeth were simply too close to their neighbor teeth to get the bands on. They gave me a couple of breathers during this phase so I could catch my breath, let my heart rate return to normal, and stop squirming in pain.
The ortho decided to remove the ill-fitting bands and insert new spacers around my molars and he'll put the bands on in a few weeks. The assistant was able to apply the ceramic brackets to the rest of my teeth and snap the wires in to connect all the brackets. That phase was blessedly pain free and I nearly dozed off a few times despite the retractor and tongue stick keeping my mouth parts in the correct position.
I felt really good when I left the office thanks to the adrenaline/endorphin high from phase one of the process. I did a little shopping on the way home and even logged back on to my work computer to try and catch up on my portion of data gathering for our budget plan.
Just before 4pm, I changed into bike clothes and took off for the Worldgate Center in Herndon for what I thought would be my last Jenny Craig consultation. I'd mapped out the route and it was only four miles. Less than the ride to work! I could totally do that. I didn't count on the 90 degrees and high humidity, though. Oof. But I made it, in less than record time, and impressed the heck out of my consultant. I also called Hubbyfink and asked him to please come rescue me because I wasn't up to the ride back home.
The consultation was good. She understood my desire to no longer purchase the food and stated that there's no magic fairy dust in the food. Making my own food choices and planning my own meals was the goal of the program anyway; I just decided to go there faster than we normally would have. And since I dropped 3.5 pounds in the past week when I haven't lost any weight since early May shows that I'm doing something right. She also explained that I've already paid for a year of consultation and she wanted me to continue to come in and talk about how things are going with my weight and health. I agreed to do that, especially since she wasn't going to push the food angle.
Back to the braces. Today, I'm not so happy with my decision. The insides of my mouth hurt and my teeth are tender. I have to figure out a new way to smile since the brackets are pushing my lips out and everything feels weird. I've sent my mom a photo, but I'm really not comfortable with having my picture taken right now. I feel so ugly. I keep reminding myself that in less than two years, and just before my 40th birthday, I will have perfect teeth to go with my new and improved figure. It will all be worth it. Boy, could I be any more pollyanna?
i called jenny,
dental woe