how could it be that...

Sep 20, 2007 08:10

out of the roughly 3500 songs i have locally on my laptop, i do not want to listen to ANY of them right now?

must i always covet that which i do not have? (ha)

btw if any of you have a copy of the song "comin back to me" by jefferson airplane, please megaupload it to me! i've been craving it for the longest time and i've already spent around 100 dollars on music this month. damn imports. i used to have it, too, but we've gone through so many (really only like 4 in 12 years) "family" computers that i forget where it is.

yes, people, for music junkies such as myself, this proves the need to always utilize a backup standalone hard drive. (or, better, friends who are available to do some file transferring! *hint*)


in a related but separate note, what is everybody listening to these days? (doesn't need to be new, just whatever you find yourself gravitating towards).

as for me, i've (most) recently re-discovered a cd i bought last christmas when the burlington tower records was going out of business (The Stills "Without Feathers"). it's pretty great "chillout" music. annnnnnnnd for fine oldskool girlpunk fun, guess who has been listening to the donna's newest release? bitchin. haha.

back later with some more music matters...
until then.


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