
Sep 21, 2004 21:24

My approach to this journal has changed. Up until now probably about 80% of the point of me having this journal was to see what you all were doing. I only really logged on to read about your lives and thoughts and opinions (my god, the opinions!).

But, along with so much of my life, that has now changed. I'll definitely still be checking in on you all (some more than others because I just can't imagine not knowing how you're going), but this journal will now be pretty much all about me.

('So she finally catches on . . .' you all think).

I'm going through a very strange and powerful time in my life at the moment. Since the Winter Solstice I have felt something coming. At Imbolc it became a little more insistent, and finally, in the last week it has begun to crystallise.

Between my last post and this one and whole new path of life has opened up before me. It could go either way. This time next week I could be setting out with a radically new step. Or things could be exactly as they are now.

The weekend before last we were planting trees on my friend's property outside Heathcote (for those of you who came in late, Robert and I were married there two years ago). We took separate cars on the way back so Robert could drop some federal election material in one of the nearby towns. On a whim I turned off the highway. I drove for some time and became absolutely enchanted by the landscape. It literally took by breath away. I saw a real estate sign and followed the road a bit further. I never saw what exactly was for sale, but eventually I turned back and Isaac and I continued on our way home.

When I mentioned my detour and response to the land to Robert, we were both surprised to learn that he'd taken the same road the day before and had the same reaction. I promptly called the real estate agent and arranged to take a look at the land for sale.

We went down on the weekend and since then our detour-on-whim has become a full scale plan to sell our home in the city, our five acres in the bush and buy this great tract of land. We'd then rent in the outer northern suburbs for two years while Robert continued to work in Melbourne to pay the mortgage, and I cared for Isaac and managed the owner-building of our fully sustainable mudbrick / rammed earth (we haven't yet decided) home.

In this plan I see, for me at least, the perfetly melding of my professional, spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical selves. I would be able to be with Isaac, I could manage a large and complex project (which I've always loved to do) and I would have the opportunity to take studies in animal husbandry and holistic medicine. I find contemplation of this plan has started clearing up spiritual questions I've never previously been able to answer.

I've realised I don't have a personal belief in supernatural deity. I believe the divine is very firmly in the natural earth and the patterns and dynamics that play upon it. I believe the anthropomorphisation of this is a symbolic tool to help us understand aspects of the great wheel and mass of life. I see in permaculture a spiritual path - physically integrating and manipulating the land's natural patterns to achieve outcomes. It's otherwise called magic and I think it would bring peace to my heart.

I'll be taking another look at the land on Friday and possibly putting in an offer. I'll keep you posted.
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