I _____ melanie.
melanie is _____.
melanie thinks a lot about _______.
When I think of _________, I think of melanie.
If I were alone in a room with melanie, I'd _____.
I think melanie should _____.
melanie needs _____.
I want to ____ melanie .
Someday melanie will _____.
melanie reminds me of _____.
Without melanie _____.
Memories of melanie are
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I _LOVE_ melanie.
melanie is _Super Hot_.
melanie thinks a lot about _Penis?_.
When I think of _the Phrase, "why are we slowing down? they aren't even hot!"_, I think of melanie.
If I were alone in a room with melanie, I'd _go nuts (kidding)_.
I think melanie should _become less attractive so i can get more attention_.
melanie needs _tammi fas in her life more often... (i mean don't we all?)_.
I want to _throw_ melanie .
Someday melanie will _sneeze_.
melanie reminds me of _felony_.
Without melanie _life wouldn't be the same!_.
Memories of melanie are _well there's that quote above by you when we were slowing down by a construction site in my car because the speed changes when workers are out and about, but your mind was on something totally different.. lol_.
melanie can be _smiley_.
_ahh!_ is how I describe meeting melanie .
Worst thing about melanie is _that she's hotter than me and her milkshake brings all the boys to her yard and out of mine_.
Best thing about melanie is _her eyessss duh!!_.
I am _not_ with melanie .
If I could describe melanie in a word: _melanie_.
haha, that was fun. miss you!
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