laurainlimbo tagged me to do this:
Write a journal entry for this meme with seven random facts about yourself. Then pick 7 friends and tag them.
1. The first love letter I ever got was when I was in the first grade. The boy who sat next to me drew me a picture and wrote "for my Melanie". My mother was so excited she saved it and put it in a photo album.
2. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted a sister. When we were younger, I used to make my brother dress up and play pretend. Now I'm waiting for the day when I can use the pictures to blackmail him. *grins wickedly*
3. We used to have this really strange cat. On two occasions, she gave birth to kittens in my bed -- while I was sleeping in it! I have learned my lesson; pregnant cats no longer get to sleep in my bedroom.
4. I love tea. Any tea. My favourite is rooibos (redbush), but I will drink any and all tea offered to me.
5. I like reading biographies.
6. I have never smoked a cigarette.
7. Before coming to Asia, I had only been out of SA once -- to a tiny country called Lesotho. Since it's completely surrounded by SA, most people don't consider it as leaving the country. But it is really a whole separate country.
And I'm tagging . . . anyone who feels like sharing random things about themselves :)