Sep 24, 2008 20:18
Well, i havent been on here in a little while. ive been pretty busy, and just enjoying the summer.
This was a really fun summer, i did have alot of up's and down's during it, but you no, thats what makes me the person i am today....-->FTB <--
So i stoped talking to thgat guy kyle i was talkin bout in the past few entries because he really just is a mean person...i swear to god, even tho we only chilled for about 4months, he did shit to me that was just very uncalled for...and u no what, it was my fault to bc i would always call him and ask him to chill again...but you no, eveytime i would chill wit him and his boys i would just be so upset the next for days/weeks about eveything...mainly him. dammmnnnn, yo i swear to god the phone just ranggggg and it was him..i havent talked to him in like a month and he just called and was like can u bring my shit up here this weekend if you come up...DUDE FUCKKKKKK HIMMM hahhahahahahha. im all like FUCk...well ima just get in my good mood again....
I started school like 3 weeks ago, and its really hard, but i am trying my best with it all bc at the end of it hopefully i will get a good job, and eveything will fall into place, like an apartment, and car, and just i wanna be able to live on myy own and be independent again. and i no i can....
Someone asked me the other day how dont i get high anymore, like dont i ever think about it, and she asked me isnt it hard to like go out without getting high be4 hand...and i said no.
But today i was thinking like, yea i think about it alot, but you no, i just realized today that getting high just isnt an option for me anymore. and thats it.
i met this guy. his name is bill. hes older then me, i do kinda like him, but i only get to see him once a week, so it kinda sucks, but whatever.
im still working and making money, even though im broke eveyday...i realized ALL my money goes towards food...ima fat ass..haha nah, i aint fat at all, but still, if i keep going at the rate im going then i will be!