Jan 08, 2008 07:42
So I have never posted in here but I am feeling major journal wihdrawal from CC :(
I really do appreciate Tim working a lot lately but 7 days a week, 12 or more hours a day is getting old. I am so tired of being alone :( Friday he got home at 9, Saturday 7 and Sunday a reasonable 5. las tnight had to have been after 10. I was asleep until he kissed me and scared the living daylights out of me.
So Friday was our 3rd and final IUI. Last week we met with our doctor and we are all set pending insurance approval to move onto IVF. I hate that we have to go this route and I hate that we basically only have 3 more shots to have a baby before we have to give up.
She gave us a 5% chance on our own, 10-15% with the IUI and a 50-55% with the IVF. I only had 1 follie and Tim's count wasn;t nearly as high as it has been so I have basically written this cycle off and am ready to move on. Its going to take 7-8 weeks to do the first cycle because I have to do 3 weeks of BCPs first then start all the meds. Not looking forward to the added pain she said it would be bad for me. I'l' hjave to take a number of days off from work for the egg retrieval since they have to put you under for it and then the transfer you are on bedrest for 25 hours. It sucks but it will be worth it if we get our baby in the end.
We are heading to TN this weekend! Piper's road trip #2. We got a new DVD player for the car, its so cool! I am looking forward to catching up on my Hary Potter movies in the car!