I am so sick and tired of people scalping children's toys...... ARGGHHH

Nov 08, 2011 20:03

You know, I can understand that everyone needs to make a buck... seriously I do, but at what point does it go beyond taking care of ones self or their family and it becomes a serious greed problem.

My daughter loves monster high, she has since they first came out, even before everyone else thought they were cool. So my little girls Christmas List.... well it reads like this.... Monster High Monster High Monster High.... EVERYTHING is Monster High.... and thanks to the scalpers on Ebay... who have over 150 of Abbey Bominable for 75 dollars or MORE....I am facing the terrible prospect that I may not be able to find her JUST ONE OF THEM for under the tree.... That's a hard pill to swallow....

Scalpers need to get a life and stop messing up little kid's dreams....
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