Title: “Embraced…”
Author: xof
Feedback: xof1013@gmail.com
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Brian/Michael, Declan/Ashton (OMC/OMC)
Genre: Drama, Angst
Sequel to: “Encompassed…”
Disclaimer: Don’t own ’em, but damn it’s fun imagining I do. Declan and his Ash are my creations.
Status: Complete, but will be posted in 15 parts. (Over 140 pages total)
Archive: ATP, Always, yes.
Summary: Six months into their new relationship/arrangement, and our boys get an invitation to take a journey across the pond. London calling…
Timeline: Set after the finale of Season 2, varying irrevocably onward from there.
Pairing Note: This is very much a Brian/Michael story. However, I have created two original characters based on (and only on) the physical appearance of the actors Aidan Gillen and Craig Kelly. My OMC’s are not meant to represent the actual actors or any of their onscreen roles.
Notes: This was the story that was never planned. I saw “Encompassed” as a one-off. But the characters obviously had a lot more to say and do. An embarrassing long year and a half later, and it’s not only done - but also longer than the original. Blimey…lol. Many thanks, and dozens of hugs to Em and Margo for their support and beta help. You are both very special, and I appreciate your encouragement so much.
Warnings: Deals with the subject of Dominance/submission and bondage. However, it is a story of love and sensual play that aims to build the spirit, not tear it down. I encourage readers to take a chance and follow our boys as they discover each other, and themselves, in this new way.
By xof
(Begun - May 2006)
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Part 13
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Michael’s teasing suggestion that they take Brian to the Science Museum so his lover could get his inner geek on was overruled by his Dom, who made it clear that any further “over-sharing” of details from his science project greatest hits from high school would end with Brian borrowing some of Declan’s more interesting paddles when they got home.
“Best be glad I’m not your sub, or that would have only been a green light for me opening more of my mouth,” Ash teased.
Declan laughed as Brian and Michael turned to share a look, paused for effect and then said in unison, “He’s so cute!” The pair of them turning one of Ashton’s favorite terms right back on him, before they also broke out laughing.
“Well, I am!” Was Ash’s only defense.
Michael asked, "So where are we going?"
Ash shared a look with Declan, a smile growing on his face to mirror the one on Dec's own. "Knightsbridge, yeah? It's only about five minutes away."
Declan nodded, "Two words, gentlemen. Harvey Nichols."
Ashton was already waving down a cab when Michael asked, "What's Harvey Nichols?"
"Trendy, upscale shopping - that's what," Ash answered.
Brian grinned as Michael gave them all a comical, "Does anyone else smell smoke?" A popular comment that they'd started repeating whenever Brian got in the vicinity of a clothing store.
"No, but if your stomach growls any louder you're gonna be pinging Deb's Italian mother radar from all the way across the pond," Brian snarked as they all piled into a cab.
Considering it was a rainy wet day, Declan suggested they go ahead and eat at Harvey Nichols. "They've got a Wagamama there. Japanese noodle and rice dishes that'll curl your toes, it'll help warm us up before we start looking around."
They were almost to the end of their meal when Dec's mobile started going off. He glanced at the screen and quickly made to answer, placing a quick double knock of his knuckles on the table to get Ash's attention as he spoke to the caller. "Good news?" He wasn't into greetings, just like Brian. "Perfect, really. Thank you for this. Yes. Okay. I'll make sure. Three o'clock." He wasn't much for goodbyes, either.
Off the phone hardly a moment, and he was dialing out. "It's a yes. You still don't mind," Declan asked the person on the other line, grinning at the answer he got. "Just add it to the list; I should owe you a hundred favors by now all things considered."
Ash asked for the phone and told the listener, “Hey you, no bullying my man. Or I’ll have ya… ” He paused, listening, then snorted. “That's right, have a go."
Declan asked, “What’s he saying?”
“That I’m about as dominant and ferocious as a bear cub. Wanker.”
Taking the phone back before Ash added anything else, Declan said, "Momma bear, more like. Which could mean you'll end up with his bite mark on your arse." He listened a moment, then rang off on a peel of laughter that had him coughing. When Dec could speak, he explained, "He said that would just prove his point that you've wanted him for years, and to apologize because while he's flattered, he's as straight as an oar. Hard or soft, moist or dry."
"There, you see. Total wanker. And delusional to boot," Ashton replied, his words fondly reprimanding.
Brian raised his hand, "I know we've suddenly been turned into the peanut gallery, but what the hell are you two talking about?"
Dec glanced at Ash, the two of them confirmed to be in cahoots with a look, and then turned to answer. "Change of plans. Hugh's rescheduling for tomorrow morning."
Michael nodded. "That's okay."
Brian paused. "From what I heard, you seem to have something to do with that. What are you two up to?"
Ash started to answer, but Declan held up his hand. Then he leaned in as if to share a secret, only to say, "You'll have to be patient. There's some things we need to buy upstairs, but that'll be your only clue until we arrive at three o'clock. It’s to be a secret until then. You game to find out?"
"Can we get a hint?" Michael asked, already wondering what they might be getting themselves into. Considering it was a Declan designed surprise, it could be anything, as long as it brought pleasure to his friends.
Declan bit his lip briefly before deciding his answer. "Not one word; it'll only serve to heighten the anticipation." At Michael's disappointed look, he grinned. "You'll love it."
Ash agreed. Not so secretly amused as he teased, "Besides, what's a little kidnapping between friends?"
- - -
“Fucking nylon, Mikey,” Brian groused. “I’m in London, in a cab on the way to only they know where, having just left one of the more upscale department stores in the world - and I’m wearing fucking nylon. Why?”
Michael just shook his head, biting back a smile. The look on Brian’s face when they’d been shown what Declan insisted that they needed to wear for their surprise destination had been comical - one not to forget. Not that his lover’s plaintive moaning now wasn’t just as funny. Brian had gone from an hour of shopping bliss, to abject horror when Declan had tossed him the outfit he now wore. “You’re not going to die from it; besides, we’re all wearing it.” Tracksuit bottoms, that covered them from ankle to waist - Brian’s navy blue to Michael’s black, Ash in dark brown, and Dec also in black. Sleeveless tees and plain trainers on their feet - they looked like they were going to the gym.
That is if the gym were seemingly in the middle of nowhere, over twenty minutes from the store and well over the river.
Wherever they were going, it was obvious with just a look that Ashton was getting more and more excited as the minutes passed. He seemed to vibrate with it, held in check barely by the pressure of Declan’s hand firmly on his knee. And a warning… “Darkling.” It was clear Dec meant for Ash to rein it in, which he managed to do until the cab stopped and he burst through the door before any of the others.
The three of them held back as Brian asked, “So, where are we - tracksuits and all?”
“Some place I discovered when I was trying to help a former patient of mine who needed a little wish-fulfillment to round out his last few sessions. The perfect place to free your inner-child, and fly. I took Ash not long after; it’s been an experience he’s wanted to relive ever since.”
Ash poked his head in, “Come on! It’s show time! Give over talking and shift, yeah.”
Declan grinned, even as he shook his head at his slave’s pushy enthusiasm. “Best do, boys. Or Hugh won’t be the only one bearing Momma Bear bites on his arse.”
Brian snarked, “I’m thinking more rat terrier, nipping at our heels.”
Ash just turned to him, squinted his eyes and said, “Woof.”
Michael laughed, “Speaking of your inner child.”
“Exactly, case in point,” Declan agreed. “Now, step to - they’re waiting on us and the clock started ticking about three minutes ago.” They all piled out of the cab, shopping bags in hand from the V&A and Harvey Nichols - the clothing they’d started the day in, tucked inside.
“Shit, it’s cold,” Brian griped. They were all walking fast now, making a break for the warmth that hopefully awaited them inside.
“At least the rain stopped,” Michael said, then stopped himself. Walking that is, which caused Brian to almost tread over him as he stood staring at a sign that announced their destination. He looked at Declan, waving at them to come in - that mischievous smile on his face.
“They say life’s a circus, so I figured why not concede the point?” Declan called out. “At least for the next three hours.”
Then he was gone, through the doors and away - leaving Brian and Michael staring at the words on the sign by the entrance, “The Circus Space,” as realization dawned.
“No way!” Michael said, looking from the sign to Brian and back again. “Nooo way, really?”
Brian swallowed, still staring. Then he cracked, a disbelieving laugh bursting through as he said, “He’s lost his mind.”
Not that it mattered when already Michael was grabbing Brian’s hand, and making for the door with all the energy of a rocket fired out of a canon.
As if the subject of what they’d done on their London vacation wasn’t already bizarre enough, chocked full of stories they could share from dust until dawn.
Now, on top of it all - there was this.
Brian and Mikey’s Excellent Adventure - Under The Big Top.
- - -
Okay, so you couldn’t really call a brick building a “Big Top” - it just didn’t make it on the tent scale. But still….
Turned out that “The Circus Space” - housed in an old electricity generating plant - was both a school and performance venue for all things circus. Aerialists, clowns, tumblers and all kinds of other specialists there to teach those eager to learn, albeit with a waiting list several months long. Unless, like Declan, you had foreknowledge of their whole- and/or half-day courses, or more specifically, their hen and stag party openings, a popular offering on Saturdays. But since it was neither a stag party, nor a Saturday - Declan had been working his magic again.
Charismatic, sharp-minded and well off. Deadly combination, that. Though when ribbed by Brian about how he’d managed to set all of it up, Declan, with a wink and a smile, just put it down to his wicked good looks.
Though considering the looks he was getting from their instructors, male and female, he may have been telling the truth.
“Okay, gentlemen. We’ve got five skills on tap, from juggling to the trapeze, but first we stretch. May seem preliminary, but it’s a must. You *will* be feeling this come tomorrow, so we’d like to keep down the discomfort, and it’ll help aid against the risk of injury. So let’s do it.” This from their principle coach.
During the warm up, Michael couldn’t keep from snickering as Brian whispered about clown makeup and red wigs - making analogies to Deb’s grooming habits that left Michael shushing him while trying not to make too much noise. He failed miserably, considering the height of the ceiling and the resonance of sound in the large room.
Ashton managed it well enough when he went to Michael and whispered, “When subs have cause to want to spank their dominants, news at eleven.”
Michael’s playful shove had them getting a disapproving look from Declan, who walked up to Ash and said, “If you want your arse slapped, I’ll oblige back at home. But for now, rein in it.”
When he crossed back into position, Ash leaned towards Michael again. “God, I love him.”
“Don’t you two know not to talk when the topic of fondling balls is on the table?” Brian grinned, nodding to the juggling spheres being wheeled over on a cart. This was a skill he’d taught himself early on, out of boredom. Easy.
And fun, as the time passed and he watched Michael’s frustration grow then shift to joy as he managed to keep the balls in the air for longer than he did on the floor. The other three men clapped and whistled when he did which only served to distract him enough for him to fumble the rhythm and glare at them. “No fair, you’ve all done this before.”
“Just think of it like masturbation, practice makes perfect,” Brian teased.
The instructor broke in, “Practice gets you close to perfect, but with juggling it takes more than just hand-eye coordination. There’s a sense, like you’re anticipating each catch and toss. It goes beyond what the eyes can see. It gets to be about what you know. Or think you do.” She pulled out a sleep mask. “Since this bit is so familiar to you three, let’s put your senses to the test.” She grinned. “Michael, you get to sit this one out. Considered it a reward for a job well done.”
The next few minutes were farcical at best, all three men in turn trying to juggle blind. The only one who managed for more than a bit was Declan, but even then his balls rolled and it was left to them to chase the spheres down and pick them up. Michael sat, watching and laughing at the view. Cheering when each man finished, teasing them with calls of “Bravo” and “Encore” until Brian pounced, pushing him flat, and started tickling.
The instructor managed to draw their attention back when she asked them to move over to the mats. “We’re going to be spending time on the trapeze, later. On both the static and flying rigs. But before then, let’s give something a little closer to the ground a try.”
Closer, yes. On it, no.
“Oh fuck, I remember this. Doesn’t half hurt, does it?” Ash said, nodding to the tight wire set up. “Still, it’s a laugh.”
“Says a man who knows that the experience can be worth a little bite,” Declan replied.
Brian spoke softly to Michael. “Hear that? Maybe Hugh was right. Maybe Dec is a vampire.” He winked at Michael, then leaned in and nipped at the soft skin at the base of his throat. Skin so soft, usually hidden by the collar that Michael wore - but had had to take off because it was the rules of the Circus Space. No jewelry allowed. Brian smiled when Michael’s breath caught, so he said, “Later. I’ll mark you later. Tonight.”
Michael swallowed at the thought, then nodded as he gave Brian’s arm a squeeze. Always nice to have something to look forward to….
The wire was set at a foot above the ground, bright blue mats sandwiched on all sides. Something so benign, now so ominous. Michael started second guessing his ability from the start, but then just chalked it up to fun rather than a test of self. Their teacher gave them a demonstration of her skills, walking the wire with ease - even kneeling on it without losing her balance. Then it was their turn to lose their shoes and put on the special-suede soled slippers.
Ash went first, and ended up falling on his ass at least twice before he made it from one end to the other. His face was flushed with exertion, some frustration and a lot of happiness to have seen it through. He even gave a small bow when he jumped off the platform. “Thank you, thank you - please, hold your applause. There’s no need.”
Declan snorted. “Smart arse.” Despite the name-calling, he was smiling when he took to the platform himself. And damn if he didn’t manage it in one go. Slowly, granted - keeping his focus strong and his balance sure. He took his time, catching himself when he might have wavered. It wasn’t smooth or graceful, but it did the trick. And then he was done.
“Third timer,” Brian groused, knowing that he’d have more luck trying to pirouette on the head of a pin as make that trip without having to jump off multiple times. He’d been known for his moves on the field while playing soccer in college, but this - it was a sure road to failure. And he hated to fail. “Mikey, you’re up.”
So why not delay the inevitable. And pass the buck.
“Shit,” Michael muttered, stepping up. He listened to the teacher’s instructions, and gave a tentative step out. “Double shit.” Owe, Ash hadn’t been kidding. Putting your full weight on a thin wire hurt. He wobbled, arms out, then tilted and had to step off quick to save himself from a fall. He gave the instructor an embarrassed smile, but her encouragement never wavered and he was soon up again.
A snail's pace got him a few feet out on the wire, before he actually did fall. Not that he let it stop him. Getting past the first bit made him determined to do it all. So trial and error, and about six more attempts saw him successfully at the end. He stepped off, wincing at the sensitive ache of his abused feet - but he didn't stop smiling. His accomplishment got him a kiss from Brian, and a hug from Ashton that nearly set him off the ground.
Even Declan gave him a pat on the back. "Perseverance is one of your gifts, Michael."
"Fortunately for us both," Brian said, thinking that if Michael hadn't persevered through all of Brian's bullshit, they'd have never made it until today.
Last to go, it actually took Brian the longest to manage. Much to his consternation. He'd get his bearings, think he was able to manage another foot forward and then wham - off he'd come. "Fucking hell," he snapped. But he was nothing if not obstinate, and he'd be damned if he was going to be the only one who didn't do it. So he stuck to it with teeth clenched and muscles taut.
He had to admit that the end, when it came, was all the more sweet for having had to push himself past his anger. Not that the satisfaction prevented him from grumbling. "I could think of more pleasurable ways to test my physical endurance, you know."
Ash smirked, “So can I, Mr. Grouch. Like this next bit.” The Englishman asked their instructor, “Is it time?”
When she nodded, Declan grinned and clapped his hands together. “Time to fly.”
Michael looked at Ashton when the man laughed abruptly, as if at something he’d been thinking in his own head. “What?”
“Zephyr and Rage flying through the air with the greatest of ease,” Ash shared. “It’s too perfect, yeah?”
Brian just commented, “And me without my Lycra tights.”
Michael teased, “I guess your nylon will have to do.”
Static trapeze was first up. It was surprising for Michael how much like climbing on a jungle gym it seemed. If it the jungle gym were over five feet off the ground and supported by ropes.
They were joined by other staff members, who helped demonstrate the rigging. A few tricks and feats of frankly impressive skill later, it was the boys’ turn to give it a go. They made decidedly slower progress that more than half the time had them all laughing their asses off. There were dual trapezes set-up side by side, so they ended up going at it as couples. First Declan and Ash because Michael told them he wanted to watch how they went through the paces.
Not surprisingly, they did rather well. They had the flexibility and prior experience to help them along of course. Not to mention Ash’s throw-himself-in-whole-heartedness that always proved an atmosphere booster. Declan ended up hanging upside down from the knees, face red with laughter as his lover kept making jokes about getting bits of himself tangled up in ropes at inappropriate moments - and then discussing the merits of whether that was due to nature or nurture.
By the time they got down, Declan had to make a dash for the loo at the risk of wetting himself. Brian was already planning never to let him live it down. “Do they make leather diapers?”
“Oy, watch it.” Ash grinned. “He’s just susceptible to my charms. Now leg it, yanks.”
Michael gave him a quick salute, “Yes, sir.” Then got chased to the rigs with Brian not an inch behind.
Being off the ground while being coached on the static trapeze was a unique feeling, one that Brian and Michael quite enjoyed. It was work, strenuous and sweaty - but it was such fun. Each move accomplished and each new position achieved was a high. By the time they were done, it was as if the time had flown by. Way too quickly.
Adrenaline kicking in, Michael was almost giddy when they were led to the rigging for the flying trapeze. Talk about surreal - being in London, and now this? It was like he was in a waking dream. But as they stood there, being fitted with waist harnesses, he knew his reality in this moment was better than any fantasy.
Brian ruffled Michael’s hair. “You couldn’t stop smiling now if you tried.”
Michael reached up and kissed him, feeling Brian's lips curve as they parted. “You, too.”
“Hello, earth to the stragglers. We’ve got some defying of gravity to do. Chop chop,” Ash called as the center’s staff signaled they were ready to begin.
Brian glanced at Declan with eyebrow raised, to which the man wryly replied, "Oh, don't doubt I'm keeping a tally. I'll just add that to the rest."
"At this rate, I should be able to sit comfortably when I'm 85," Ashton told Michael to the side.
Michael cleared his throat as he fought not to laugh, nodding towards the instructors who were waiting patiently, all with telling smiles on their faces.
Declan responded by telling Ash, "You know you're now going fourth, correct?"
His slave failed to look much subdued, despite the news. "As you will, Master Man. So shall it be."
Another brief display from the staff members which left them all clapping, and then it was their turn to go up. One by one, each man had safety leads hooked into their harnesses as they climbed up on the platform - Michael first, Brian second, Declan third and yes, a pouting Ashton fourth. They were shown how to grasp the swinging bar, instructed on how to position their bodies and then told to hold tight and fly.
An hour later, Michael was sore, hoarse from yelling and so happy he could have floated out of the room. They'd been shouting, laughing and swinging in the air with about as much style and grace as a bull doing Swan Lake. Not that the lack of either made a difference to any of them. They were too caught up in being in the moment to care as the rush raced through their blood and set their hearts to pounding furious and fast.
“God, I could go again and again,” Ash said wistfully as they were thanking their instructors after completing their warm-down.
Declan smiled at him, waiting for the call he was making to connect. He spoke softly, “It’s after six, time for all good instructors and their students to depart.” When he got an answer on his mobile, he moved away so he could talk privately.
Brian laid back on one of the mats and groaned. His body was burning like it did from the gym when he took it up a few notches, but even through the ache of it, he grinned. He’d had a great time, both in doing it himself and in watching Michael’s pleasure.
This afternoon would definitely be one to live on in the memory, for all of them. Especially since the staff had taken photos of them all acting like kids - no scratch that - like monkeys in a zoo. Branch swingers, captured on film for family and friends to see. Lord, Brian might never live it down. Course since he was still high on it all, he just concluded - “Fuck ‘em.” If he could stick his head through cardboard for a picture as a superhero at Michael’s side - much to the amusement of anyone who knew him that saw it - he could live down a few high-flying ribs from the others.
Michael knelt down, pushing Brian’s hair back off his forehead so he could kiss the damp skin. “You’ve got a look on your face. What are you thinking?”
Brian cracked up. “Me Tarzan, you Jane.”
“Oh god.” Michael shook his head, hearing Ashton’s amusement behind them. It was hard to miss the loudly snickering Englishman who started musing on what Brian would look like in a loincloth. Eyes merry, Michael replied, “That mean you’re gonna sweep me away to your tree house and have your wicked way with me?”
Brian nodded, holding up his arm so Michael could give him a hand up as they both stood. He pulled him close, hugging his waist. “You can bet that’s a definite promise, Janie.”
“You’re nuts.”
“Are still firmly attached, yes.”
Michael nudged him, “Stop.”
“Make me,” Brian teased.
Whatever Michael's response to that would have been was lost when Declan interrupted, his call done. "Cab's on its way. Figured we'd stop in to shower and change, then go out to eat?"
Brian agreed and Michael said, "We'd better start thinking about the luggage situation. There's no way we've got enough room now."
Ash frowned. "Shit, that's right. One more day." He sounded a bit sad, knowing that their trip was almost at an end. Friday would come and go too soon, with Saturday's flight home looming.
His was a feeling they all shared.
Ever practical, Declan said, "That's easy enough. Ash and I will go carryon again, but we've got luggage here we're not using. Just fill those up and we'll check them in before the flight. Doubles your packing space."
Brian agreed, "Sounds like a plan, thanks."
"Not a problem.” Declan scrubbed his hand through his currently unruly hair. “I think I’ve got a long and very hot shower calling my name.”
“That’s right, admit it. You and those showerheads are having an affair,” Ashton called back, already headed towards the exit with bags in hand.
A laugh burst out of Declan, as he shook his head, telling Brian and Michael, “Hardly that, but if he keeps joking - I might have to start considering a sudsy three-way.”
Michael hid a private smile, thinking about Brian’s affinity for shower sex. A glance at Brian, and he knew the man was thinking about it too, which only made him want to get back to their room more.
He’d be willing to bet dinner was soon to be delayed.
- - -
"Have you decided where it'll go?" Michael smiled, still half asleep with his stomach rumbling for breakfast, as he lay naked on the bed watching Brian getting dressed absently. His lover's eyes were mapping their way along Michael's skin, in deep thought.
"Yes," Brian said, but didn't elaborate. Instead he climbed back onto the bed and prowled up until he had Michael caged under him as he remained above on his hands and knees.
Grinning, Michael spread his legs and drew up his knees until his feet were flat on the bed - effectively framing Brian's body while giving him a hell of a view. "You're not going to tell me?"
Brian looked down between them, then back up with a wicked light in his eyes. "Persuasive, but no. It's not time yet."
Michael slid his arms under Brian's shirt, leaning up to hug him as he said, "Better be sure. I know I am."
Kissing him, Brian then leaned back and ran his fingers down Michael's body until they disappeared between his legs. He drew in a deep breath when Michael moaned as Brian pressed the tip of a finger just right, pushing inside his lover's warm body - a body that had been made moist only a few hours before when Brian had come apart within. "Oh, I'm sure."
With the sensations traveling up his spine, Michael followed the wave and curled up until he was holding onto Brian’s shoulders, kissing him until they had to part for breath. He shifted up onto his knees as Brian released his hold and stood swiftly, “Wait, come here.”
“Nope, we’ve things to do. Places to be and marks to be made,” Brian called out from the bathroom where he was already washing his hands, and setting about brushing his teeth. He looked in the mirror, grinning around the brush at Michael’s grumbling. Rinsing, he said, “And I thought Gus was grumpy in the morning, shit.” He stuck his head out, “Michael, move your butt so we can eat.” He was almost back in the bathroom when he remembered, “I put out something for you to wear.” A comfortable cashmere wool sweater in light, almost silvery gray and a pair of charcoal trousers lay over the back of the chaise.
Nothing too restrictive that would bind him once the day’s deed was done.
Brian didn’t impose his will on Michael’s clothing choices every day, just every third, or so - to keep Michael from guessing ahead of time. Wouldn’t do to have his sub finding him predictable, would it? Plus he got a kick out of Michael’s reaction, which was usually a mix of arousal at being dressed for Brian’s pleasure and awkwardness at dressing out of his comfort zone. All and all, it was one of their more intimate tangles of scene and reality.
Not that he made a big production when it came to the choices. Sometimes Brian just did small things to play with Michael’s libido like choosing his underwear, but letting Michael wear whatever he liked otherwise. What seemed to hit the loudest chord were days when he’d have Michael wear underwear that Brian had worn the day before - always a definite boost to Michael’s awareness during the day when they were apart.
On other mornings, it could be as mundane was picking Michael’s shoes to as precise as choosing every article of clothing he wore from sunglasses to shoelaces.
Then time in between when Brian left him to his own devices, mostly t-shirts and jeans. Though he was noticing that there were days like that when Michael ended up choosing something Brian had given him, anyway. Not that Michael didn’t get a little back of his own on mornings when it was sub’s treat and he got to choose what Brian would wear for the day.
Little tricks, and small things - but oh, how they could enliven them with just that extra touch more.
- - -
“You did not.”
“We did. Not so long back, and you wouldn’t believe how many people showed up. Fifteen hundred of us or more, all inked, hitting the V&A in one day to be photographed for their digital archive of tattoos. From the smallest drunken-courage star, to full body tats that had to take years to have done. It was a visual field day.” Ash told his avid audience, the lot of them - Declan, Ash, Brian, Michael and Hugh - all sitting round a table inside a crowded café with the remnants of a full English breakfast before them.
Declan added, “It was the museum’s first ‘Day of Record’ - which they’ve continued since, each year with a different theme.”
“You can even see some of them online,” Ashton said. “Not ours, mind. Which is a pity.”
“Just makes ’em more personal that way,” Hugh replied, clearly amused by his friend’s disappointment. “No gawkers giving ’em a glance without knowing what they mean, yeah.”
“That’s the thing isn’t it,” Michael asked, after a moment. He'd been listening avidly, but had kept quiet himself because he was thinking about what he was about to do. About how important he felt it was to have it done. “The meaning, the memory, the promise they represent - that’s what gives them the significance that makes them more than just ink and skin.”
“Absolutely. Like a story without end. They’re extremely personal, more so in a way than almost any other thing you can do to yourself,” Ash agreed, circling first one of his wrists and then the other with his fingers.
Brian signaled for the check, then turned and asked Hugh, “Soooo, how many do you have?’
Hugh broke out grinning, giving a tisking noise before answering, “Enough, boyo. I’ve enough.”
“For Annie’s eyes only, he says,” Declan told them. “Our Hugh’s a man with secrets.”
“The cheek, I tell ya. Prying into matters between a husband and wife. Annie’ll have ya if you keep at it.”
“Now, see. That’s a warning best heeded. She’s a woman of fire, your Annie.”
Hugh replied, “Don’t I know it. I could still smell the smoke from my black book for two days after she burned it. On our third date.” His laugh was full bodied and fond, the kind that turned heads and had strangers smiling at the sound.
Brian finished settling the bill, then asked, “We all set?”
Declan nodded. “Yeah, we’re done.”
Brian looked to Michael. “Second thoughts?” He was giving Michael time, checking again as he’d done a few times since his lover had told him he’d wanted it done.
In answer, Michael just stood and pressed a kiss to Brian’s cheek, his lips curving into a smile that he maintained as he walked with a determined step towards the door.
All hands in with no doubts to deter.
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