First time going "public" on Live Journal... (little bit nervous here), but I brought you a gift. If most of you don't recognize me by my LJ name or my salutation, down at the bottom of this post... well, I'm Sonny... Sonnygrl11... I write Brian/Michael fan-fiction... and I've begun a little diddy I like to call... LIE IN THE SOUND (click the link at the end of this post and it will take you to 8 chapters worth of my newest endeavor...)
Yes... there IS more... as there always,always is with me. I hope you enjoy...
I thought, well... I pretty much believed that with my last great "novel" (
TRIGGER EFFECT) that I wouldn't be gung-ho about writing a really long-ass fic again. Maybe it was because of what the story entailed... me diving fully into an actualized relationship between Brian Kinney and Michael Novotny. I spent 32 Chapters... yes, I know... {{groan}} thirty-two seems like a lot now, but while it was happening it didn't feel like a whole helluva lot. I think it was because it flowed, it came natural to me to write every single piece of that fiction. That's why it has become (HANDS DOWN) one of MY own favorite fics of my own creation.
I'm not trying to boast here or put myself on a pedestal, but nine times out of ten... if I've written it and I've sent it off to the masses to be read... guaranteed... I've forgotten what I've written. Not that I totally, like, black out and go comatose, but that I really, really, REALLY write my stories "in the moment" and then they pass through me. Through my pen or keyboard (however I write at the time) and then it's gone... out on paper or computer screen and I feel kinda like I had an emotional shower. Cleansed my soul and left the residuals in storyform.
Like I said, Trigger Effect was something I thought I'd never get to do... because when I was thinking of writing something like that, so deep and profound, exploring every aspect I could of The Daily Life of The Brian and Michael Show... well, I knew I couldn't have anything else on my plate distracting me. I had to concetrate and focus on them. And I got to do that... plus... shew, I was able to deal with all my own hang-ups and disappointments QAF had handed to me upon the Season Five Finale... where I still had so many unanswered questions AND... I was, apparently, supposed to "write" my own ending to a show I had almost grown to hate. I wasted five years on this show... and pretty much was made out to look like a chump... or a fool, depending on how you feel that day.
THAT is why I love to write A/Us. In fan-fiction A/Us stand for Alternate Universe. I read on another Live Journal... where someone actually placed a separate description for what some people call A/Rs... which are Alternate Realities. Uh... yeah... they kind of sound the same to me... universe/reality... whatever. I think the differences they were trying to summate were... Alternate Universe was... say... Brian and Michael meet in a different way... and... Alternate Reality is... you've devised two NEW characters say who look, act and sound like Brian & Michael... but you change their names... What? uhm... okay... I guess that works, for some people... who totally wanna forget what the people who created their fanbase did to their characters in their version of the story.
I also love A/Us because it gives me the opportunity as a writer to show you, the reader or whomever stumbles upon this place, a chance to see what I can do, where I can take you. I usually like to use oddball plots in my head and spin them, but still... try very hard to fit the relationship between Brian & Michael in much the similar way it felt to me on the show. Their close bond, their connection, their ability to know exactly what the other is thinking... and... I could go on, but I'm gonna stop because...
I'VE GOT A NEW FIC!!!!... and I'm placing it on my LiveJournal in it's debut because... well, I just kind of want to get it out there, in the air. It's certainly NOT completed, but I needed some place of my very own to put this story as I am writing it.
This does not mean that it will never pop up on my usual "hotspots" on Brian & Michael Yahoo Message Board, Brian & Michael Fic Message Board, always-fanfic.net or even on ATP. I'm simply attempting to have another outlet for my writing in this fandom. And LJ was my next step.
I don't know how or why I developed this plot, then it's eventual story. And now even as I write... the plot/storyline is bending, changing, taking a different form then how it originally started. But... it's all good... I think...
Basically... I had a wonderful fic challenge I found off Lorein... she's wonderful in her imagintion of what to come up with in her Lists. Sometimes... all she gives is one sentence... other times... it can be a great paragraphed description to work off of.
Now... I love Lorein and her challenges to pieces, because she often has helped motivate me into creating some interesting plots and stuff. I have taken a challenge of her's before... with my fic,
ROCK THE CRADLE OF LOVE... and that one didn't take long to become one of my other favs of my own creation, too.
Now... I'm not even gonna bother saying what I had originally devised for this story... because like I said... it keeps changing. I don't want to give away everything right off the bat. Suffice to say... I'm not sure what world I've created here, but I never wanna leave it...
I've got up to eight completed chapters... working on the ninth... I still got so much more planned for these two, because... whoa, their relationship is beyond complex... you would NOT believe how "ready" they are to be together, but how much they keep themselves distant... even though they end up living together... for a short time.
What I have so far...
Two Chapters of the Prologue...
We are introduced to Brian & Michael as children... then tragedy strikes...
13yrs later... back in Pittsburgh... (in the six chapters, so far...)
Michael returns to find Vic... but gains a family...
Brian returns to enter Carnegie Mellon... and loses his family connections... but, also, gains much more then he bargained for...
I hope you read dilgently and enjoy every part... hopefully I'll post the new chapters once I have them completed. Oh... and I promise you... I won't abandon this fic... not anytime soon... even if my house was on fire, I'd try to save my desktop computer before all else...
Hugs, Peace & Mooches,