(no subject)

Jun 26, 2005 14:41

It's The Oldest, Establish, Permanent, Floating crap game in Torontosburgh
QAF Recap 506 06-19-05 Page

by StickyKeys Queer As Folk Episode 506 Aired 6-19-05

x-posted _qafdaily , melancholy_rose , michaelandbrian , qaf_essays , andqueerasfolkfans

Michael hands Brian one and asks if he likes it. Brian says it reminds him of a Norman Rockwell he saw in a doctor’s office when he was a kid. Justin is in the background looking very uncomfortable. “A little girl and boy dressed up as bride and groom… and an adorable little puppy tugging at the bride’s wedding gown. Just then, the nurse came in and stabbed me in the finger for blood.” I hate that Brian never really talks in complete sentences, it’s always this weird string of comments and phrases. Michael says that because of that incident Brian has had an aversion to marriage ever since. Michael doesn’t care about that though, he cares about the Rage comic, “Well I happen to think it’s a damn good story. Just because it doesn’t agree with your anti family values is no reason to dump on it!” Brian says, ”okay”, throws the comic down and leaves. Heh. Brian’s on it with the jerky reactions tonight. They pan up from Justins legs up to his face. He looks not pleased, but surprisingly hot. He's got a great set of legs.

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