(no subject)

Jun 15, 2004 09:21

I'm bored and it looks interesting so I'm going to fill it out

1 - What is the movie you have watched the most number of times and what movie is it? Field of Dreams, it is absolutely my favorite movie and I bet I've seen it 30 times, I watched it the other night actually
2 - If you made a film would it have a samurai? If so who would play the samurai? No, I hate those type of films
3 - Who was the strongest Power Ranger from the first two seasons? Give the actors name for bonus points. um the pink one? Yeah, I didnt really watch
4 - What would you do if offered the One Ring? Id probably take it even though that would be a bad move
5 - What X-Man would you most like to have intercourse with and why? Wolverine and Im not sure, its the only one I can name
6 - Name five of your favorite video games. One each from the 8bit, 16bit, 32/64bit, and current era. Um yeah I only like the old Mario on the grey nintendo system and crash bandicoot on the playstation.. Ive never really played anything else
7 - What do you call the device with which you change channels on your television set? button, which I know is lame, its a remote!
8 - If the matter/anti-matter tanks on a galaxy class starship are 9/10ths depleted what is the inter-mix ratio necessary to reach a star base 100 light years away at warp factor 8? my sister would know, can I phone a friend?
9 - Who is more a fool, the fool? or the fool who follows the fool? the fool who follows the fool, at least the fool is stumbling through his own mistakes
10 - What does GST stand for? general standard time?
11 - Name two songs that mention X-files. cant sorry
12 - Whats the weirdest thing you have used as lube during self-pleasuring? Cant say that I have used anything
13 - What does DNA stand for? deoxyriboneucleic acid
14 - What does SCUBA stand for? something about underwater
15 - Do you wish you were a Bonobo? Why or why not? Dont know what that means
16 - What have I got in my pocket? your hand
17 - What has four legs and has trouble turning corners? an elephant, I bet they have trouble turning corners
18 - What happened to all the wild Boston Terriers? they became tame and moved in with old ladies
19 - Who are you voting for in the next federal election and if its the Conservatives why not just shoot yourself right now? Really. I'll give you the gun. haha guess I better start shooting myself
20 - Tastes great or less filling? tastes great
21 - Is it wrong to want to watch your fiance have sex with a bisexual girl who lives down the street? yes, yes it is, bad you!
22 - Favorite TV show from before you were born? Green Acres
23 - What would your porn name be? Heather, its a good porn name
24 - Do you believe in aliens? no
25 - If you found out that you were really the offspring of two superheroes who do you think your parents would be? two of the really lame geeky ones
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