Apr 19, 2005 18:42
As always, I suck ass at keeping this biznitch updated. Today my Coli turns 25-- yay!!!! Quarter of a century old- damn! We're on our way out to dinner soon. Emma is good. Jesus the fish has killed his fellow tankmates the Virgin Mary and Judas-- at least they both died and he is still alive, innocent until proven guilty I guess. Just screamed on the phone to my Gpa (he's a little deafy) and he is still in the hospital figuring out what the dilly is with his foot. Hopefully there are some good options there. There is a new pope-- if I was pope I would be Pope Madonna I...but they probably wouldn't let me b/c I'm a halfbreed and agnostic; oh well I don't really like the hat, but the popemobile would be kick ass. Plus I'd accept homosexuality, sex education, contraception and of course crazy circus sex before marriage-- you gotta test the goods. Ok, I'm busting out like a fatty in a tube top....