My Chara Stats

Jul 27, 2004 20:28

Okay, so I've been lazy getting this together..... I'll be adding to this as I get them written.

Zi Galen

Age: 24
Birthday: June 1
Hair: Purple, which she usually wears in a pony-tail. She wears a white feather somewhere in the ponytail.
Eyes: Red
Build: Slim, tone.
Height: 5'7"
Clothes: Usually a long black skirt and a 3/4 sleeve blue sweater
Occupation: Freelance filmmaker and muse to Chibiange.
Weapon: Katana made from Air
Powers: Control over the element Air
Family: Unknown, besides the chat regs
Love Interest(s): Sorrowstorm, Schuldich (unrequited)

Hobbies: Making smut videos starring Schu and various other bishounen, drinking Jamisons whiskey.

History: Not much is known about her before she came to be Chibiange's muse. Since she became a muse, she's had no end to her video conquests. During the Black Rose Saga, Zi's longtime depression (which she had hidden knowledge of from Chibiange and the other Regs) returned, and she went to Ireland for a month so her new medicine could start working. She returned a little more subdued (just a little, mind), and eventually became an Air Lord. Just before Valentine's Day 2004, she and Sorrowstorm started dating. And, some time in either June or July of 2004 (little brat won't tell me when), Sorrowstorm gave her a feather from his bondbird, she gave him a ring, and they are now married in their own eyes.

Melahel (takes the last name Highwind when he needs a last name)

Age: 3067
Birthday: Unknown
Hair: Chestnut brown, straight to knees with two eartails that go to his collarbones. Often wears it back now, either in a braid or a simple ponytail at the nape of his neck.
Eyes: Sea green
Build: Muscular, but not overly so.
Height: 5'11"
Clothes: Ceremonial angel robes, which are various blues and silver; he doesn't wear these often anymore. Now, he usually wears moderately tight pants and shirts (ranging from tank tops to long-sleeved).
Occupation: Guardian angel and muse to Chibiange
Weapon: Yari
Powers: Control over the element Water
Family: Robert (mate), Raphael (older brother and mentor), Gabriel (older brother and mentor), Uriel (older brother), all other angels (brothers and sisters), God (father)

Hobbies: Right now, finish decorating his and Robert's home. Also, collecting antiques (to us), reading.

History: When he was young (about 300 years old and before the Fall), Melahel was Lucifer's lover. However, they broke up because of differences the day of the Fall....Lucifer Falling, and Melahel staying in God's service. He became quieter and withdrew from most of his friends. About a century after the Fall, he was raped by a former friend; he sealed away the memories of this until after one chat with Schu and Goten, where Schu accidentally let Melahel and Goten see some of his past. Shortly before the Black Rose Saga, Goten introduced him to Robert, and they hit it off quickly. A few months later, Melahel and Robert exchanged rings, though they didn't have a formal wedding ceremony. They decided to move in together after the Black Rose was defeated, soon after which they decided to start a family.

Ihsan Ajram

Age: 21
Birthday: January 4
Hair: Black. The left half of his hair is straight and shoulder-length, while the right half is cut close to his scalp.
Eyes: Dark brown
Build: Very slim; he looks about 17, despite his actual age.
Height: 5'5"
Clothes: Generally loose tunics and pants, though he does occasionally wear jeans and Tshirts. He wears two earrings in his right ear, symbolizing his Healer status; one is a long silver and turquoise stone dangle (think Ran from WK), and the other is a decorative stud.
Occupation: Master Healer and muse to Chibiange
Powers: Healing
Family: Amelie (mother, though she disowned him), Hamadi (father, deceased)
Love Interest: Rekem (lifebond and fiancee)

Hobbies: Reading, traveling, and now playing video games (thanks to Jou and Rekem's efforts).

History: Ihsan's led a fairly simple life. He began his training at the age of 4. When he was 6, their Caravan was attacked by nomads thinking the Caravan was in their territory; Ihsan and Hamadi were on the other side of the oasis from the Caravan and were attacked separately. Instead of trying to protect the two of them, Hamadi stuck to his pacifistic beliefs and allowed the attacker to fatally injure him. The attacker was about to kill Ihsan when Jalin, another member of the Caravan, intercepted the blow and stopped the attacker. Unfortunately, Hamadi died from his injuries.

Fast forward to the Black Rose Saga. Ihsan met the group when he joined Goten in Healing some of Fox's harem. He decided to stay after that, helping the entire group beat the Black Rose. Though he had some rough times (like getting raped), he became good friends with the Other (who was disguised as Jou) and Seto particularly. After the Black Rose was defeated, he helped the real Jou become a little more comfortable with being around everyone. He met Rekem a few months later while on a Healing in Turkey; they found out they were lifebonded a couple of weeks later from Goten. Recently, he and Rekem were the maid of honor and best man for Jou and Seto's wedding, and they proposed to each other that night after the wedding reception. Their wedding is still in the planning stages while they work on their new house.

Rekem Ziadeh

Age: 22
Birthday: April 13th
Hair: Spiky, black with red tips
Eyes: Dark brown
Build: wiry, slightly muscled
Height: 5'7"
Clothes: Comfortable, sk8ter clothes
Alma Mater: MIT, Boston
Major: Computer programming and systems; Course Six
Year: Graduated Spring 2004
Occupation: Taking over family business' communications network (ZCII) and considering creating a freelance programming company.
Nationality: Moroccan-Turkish-American
Religion: non-practicing Muslim
Love Interest: Ihsan (lifebond and fiancee)
Family: Akasma is a part of a large family business (or series of businesses) who fell in love with a Moroccan businessman, Deniz; they run a restaurant (a local chain, by now) in America now. The two had a daughter while Rekem was away for college; Akasma never told Rekem until he had returned for Christmas vacation, then never told him she had had Reejah until he had returned at the end of the spring semester of his freshman year. Reejah is now three years old (her birthday being early May). Akasma tends to have the bad habit of springing things on Rekem at the last minute; Deniz tries to get his wife to inform Rekem of these things earlier, but she tends to get him to drop or forget the subject until it's too late.

Hobbies: Ihsan; gaming (mostly old school, but does keep up with some of the newer RPGs like FF and Arc the Lad); Ihsan; trying to figure out the programming of some of KaibaCorp's games, especially the VR games; Ihsan; reading sci-fi mysteries; Ihsan.

History: Rekem is one of many great grand nephews of one of Ihsan's 'clients,' Massthasi Ziadeh, who needed an emergancy Healing March 13th of 2004. Once finished with the Healing, Rekem was asked to make sure Ihsan was comfortable and given whatever hospitality he needed to recover his energies. He was escorting Ihsan to a room when someone knocked into them, Ihsan hitting the floor and Rekem landing on top of him. This triggered one of Ihsan's memories--one where Rehema had leaned over him in a similar way. Over the next few days, Rekem and Ihsan shared a couple of kisses, at least one including gropage. They also spent that time getting to know each other and reassuring Rekem's great grand uncle that their feelings were mutual. The client also spoke to Ihsan privately, making sure Ihsan knew that Rekem was essential to carrying on the family line and the business. Ihsan told the older man some of why he felt drawn to Rekem and that the memories were not the only reason he felt something for Rekem. Saturday, March 20th, Rekem and Ihsan go to Boston, where Ihsan spends the night and travels back to Chibs' on Sunday. The flight over also sealed Rekem and Ihsan's membership in the Mile High Club. ^_~.v

After the second week (the first one being only three days when Rekem was away thanks to him skipping a Friday), the two began to show symptoms of a lifebond that was separated by distance. They talked about it and confirmed with Goten that they indeed had a lifebond. To help them out, Kitty created a temporary portal between Rekem's dorm and Ihsan's room. Now that Rekem's graduated, they are spending more time together, when Rekem's not working on transferring ZCII from his uncle's place in Istanbul to where Rekem and Ihsan live. Not only are the two best men for Jou and Seto (respectively), but they are also trying to get their own home (a new purchase) underway. This may or may not be hampered by Rekem having to keep Reejah for a couple of weeks right before Jou's wedding shower, which is June 5, 2004. Unknown to everyone (including each other), Ihsan and Rekem proposed to the other the night of the wedding, after all the festivities are finished so as not to detract from Jou and Seto's big day.

muses, nano07

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