
Dec 14, 2006 20:17

Not too thrilled about the update page change - I like the userpic menu at the bottom with my mood icon selection. And whoever doesn't know what "public" and "private" mean should really either read the FAQs or get some serious help. Not liking that particular rewording. Though I like the one that lets me turn off that damned "hover menu." Bloody annoying....

New icon love. <3

I'm....well, not better, but definitely not as bad as I was earlier this month. For those who haven't been in the loop, my cat, Mandi, passed away earlier this month. I still miss her - the house is way too quiet - but I'm not turning around and expecting to see her in a chair or on the bed. The bathroom redesign helps too.

Didn't win NaNo this year yet again, but I got a lot closer. Oh well. At the end of the month, my mind was on other things - namely, Mandi - but I did pull off a good sprint while she watched me write. Good memory.

Oh yes. I can't forget this.

Happy Birthday, Mama Luna!

icon/layout, birthday, cats, nano06, lj, family

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