
Sep 05, 2006 19:02

Well, today's been a day of random good things. We finally got some decent rain - as in, enough rain to actually make the grass and such green up a bit - instead of a handful of drops that mess up the dirt on the vehicles. It doesn't end the drought here, but it certainly helps.

I took Nana shopping. Okay, so it wasn't the best thing in the world, but I got stuff to make PB&J. That is good. And I don't have to worry about taking her anyplace major until before the fam comes for the wedding. That is very good.

We finally have someone to alter my dress for the wedding though I still have to call her. We've chosen the jewelry, but we haven't ordered it yet. T-minus 25 days and counting! There's a lot of detail-type things we all need to do (note to self - get hair appointment, look for shoes for reception), but it's going well.

But, the best news of the day - I just got confirmation that my hospital bill from the gb surgery has gone from $20,000+ to less than $200!! I was expecting a decent discount, but definitely not that much! This also bodes well for all my other medical bills except for two - one was $10 and already paid, and the other was already discounted to $47 and now half paid off. I just need to call the hosptial to get written confirmation of the discount, copy it, and send it out to the necessary people.

On a much more serious note, I'm not sure when I'll go to Japan now. After my surgery, I started thinking that I would wait until after my medical bills were paid off. It may even wait a bit longer, until I at least start paying off my student loan. Who knows? I may even get a long-term job at Farmers Ins. and use my Japanese for my initial intent - raw anime and manga. I'd love to go to Japan for many reasons, but the more I think about it, I don't know if I'd want to live there long term. This is by no means my final decision, but it's one thing I'm thinking about.

So, anyway - this is going to be an insane month. Family reunion this weekend, Alfred's moving into their apartment the next week (which means I'll probably help), and then the last minute insanity before being my sis' maid of honor.

PS - Stormy, are you happy I updated?

health, wedding, job, japanese, family

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