Um, hi?

Sep 12, 2005 10:13

Yeah, I know. It's been a while since I updated for people to see. XD Thanks Lisa for pointing that out again.

Not like anything exciting has happened. Yet. As soon as I get home, I'm ordering my new laptop! I think it's time for Phil, who has had a great life of two years and 11 months, to be put to rest. ::hums Taps:: I'll miss him well, but I will have a new baby soon.

Other than that, school has been going well. My Modern Japanese History class has a LOT of reading with it, but I find it interesting instead of taxing. It somewhat spawned a NaNo idea, which was quickly squashed in favor of a new idea that I absolutely love. Now the trick is to not do too much on it before November so I get tired of it. That would be bad.

My Japanese classes are great! Convo is good - material isn't hard, but I need the focus on speaking and carrying on a meaningful converstation. That's always been my problem - speaking in front of people. I've done a lot better with English since I took that Public Speaking class at SWT, but I still need the Japanese convo skills. My advanced reading class is awesome. It's not the insanely hard class that focuses on kanji and grammer and all the usual things. This one focuses on improving the reading comprehension and translation to the point where we read like we would in English. I really think this would benefit me more because I eventually want to work in translating books - either manga or literature. I don't think I'd enjoy technical stuff much, though I do have the background to translate biology/chemistry and linguistics works from Japanese to English. That or do linguistics research on Japanese bilingualism. That would be awesome (even better if I researched on my own family, hint).

Phonology is okay. Prof is a bit scatterbrained, but I think it'll be okay if I do the homework and read the text. I know phonology was my weak point with LIN 306, but focusing on it is different that briefly learning the transcription symbols 2 hours before the test JUST for the test. ^^;

I'm still waiting for a catalog from Occasions: Just Separates (bridesmaid dresses). I'd seen it online, but I want it in print form so I can mark things up. >.> We're hoping to go to a bridal show (we being the bride and all the bridesmaids...long story on the bridesmaids), but since it's at Palmer Events Center (it's soooo tempting just to say Palmer Auditorium). PEC is where they've set up medical facilities for all the Katrina evacuees. Thus we don't know for certain if the show will still be held. I know there are others we can go to, but Lisa wanted the three of us to get to know each other. Krystal and I know each other, but we know little to nothing about Jenny. Bonding time before the wedding and showers and everything will be good.

So yeah. Updated. Happy, Lisa-imouto?

Edit, 5:14 PM

After a couple of calls to WF and Dell, my laptop is ordered!! <333

Now I need to think of a name.....

Edit, 8:57 PM

Lisa-imouto, I hope you don't mind I borrowed your comp, but my keyboard froze and I needed to make sure Luna didn't worry herself into a frenzy. Perfect timing, eh?

wedding, random, school

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