
Aug 28, 2005 18:01

I finished painting my room today! ^^ Just need to put things back on the last shelf 'cause I've been waiting for the paint to completely dry. Everything else is put up and arranged. I've also de-paintified myself again. And now I keep thinking of other things that would make my room awesome...like ceiling trim, new area rug, new light fixture...

I think I've been watching HGTV and TLC too much lately.

Only two more days of no school, but I'm looking forward to going back. I miss SAC insanity and Japanese class.

Went shopping at B&N last week. I bought The Anti-Bride Etiquette Guide book as a belated-early engagement present for my sis. When I was looking through the wedding planning section, I ran across No Plot, No Problem, so I snagged that as well. And I finally got around to replacing my Japanese-English dictionary - I'm tired of long searches through WWWJDIC. It's also bigger than my other dictionary, so that's good.

::yawns:: I'm tempted to take a nap right now....but I know it'd be bad for my sleep tonight. ><

People I know from Lousiana to Florida Panhandle - be safe.

Edit, 6:38 PM

Finished putting things up on the shelf. ^^ Alls done!!

Edit, 12:51 AM, 8-29

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