Ah, the joys of money - -;

Jul 22, 2005 17:42

Well, I went ahead and got more paid time. Yay! Filled out my FAFSA too I'm always waaaaay behind on this, but at least this time I might get more money 'cause I was listed as an independent finally. So yeah. Money.

I'm also looking at eBay for a PS2. Yes, I finally succumbed to the eBay craze. Or, depending on what the parentals give me for my birthday that was last week, I may end up getting it at the mall. I'm just watching a couple of auctions for right now 'cause it seems as if there's always at least ten PS2 auctions going.

Went with Mom, Lisa, and Alfred (one of the other bridesmaids showed up with the flowergirl later) this past Monday to look at dresses. She's culled it down to three that all look great on her the skinny little brat. One was slim, sleek, and looked great on her, the other two had petticoats and also looked good. They're going back Monday to take pictures. It's also a good thing that all of the dresses we all like are under $300. As for bridesmaid dresses, I did see one that I liked, that came in the color Lisa liked, and would look good on all three of us bridesmaids (one uber-skinny, two about my size but Krystal's pregnant right now). Mom also had the idea of doing separates, but I'm not happy with the skirts we have to choose from in the colors they have. The fabric's really thick and this wedding will be in late September in Texas. It's hot. Thick fabric is a no. I may find somewhere else to look for dresses.

They've decided to have the wedding at the Winfield Inn after practically browbeating Mom into then not looking at any more options - though they conned got a free meal at the Salt Lick when they looked at the pavillion there. They may have even waited too late to get the weekend they want. Who knows what'll happen then. They've also decided on the Salt Lick for the caterer, and they're looking at getting a jazz band from SA for the music. At least our nails will look awesome - Lisa mentioned she wants us all to go get manicures/pedicures before the wedding, and I have a feeling Sara (who does our hair since forever) will do our hair. Mom was there this past Monday getting her hair cut, and Sara was wondering what in the world she would do with all of Lisa's hair for the wedding. XD

My ramblings have gotten progressively longer kinda, so I'll end here. Joy.

wedding, boredom, ps2, lj, family

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