Ooooh, boy. This'll be a long one.

Mar 19, 2005 16:54

So yeah. I'm back, and I'm now awake (kinda). ^^; I've spent much of the day just catching up on internet stuff and vegging out.

We (Lisa and I) left Saturday morning (obviously, since I'd posted that morning that I was off). The drive was nice, and, as usual, we saw the bike rally going west as we went east. ^^ At one point, I thought there was something wrong on the road up ahead 'cause of all the lights - it was just the bikes with their headlights on. Got to our aunt's house mid afternoon just as the last of our uncle's relatives were leaving (they had a family reunion earlier that day). We kept the pattern of just missing that reunion, even though we're not related them directly. ^^;;;; After we munched on their leftovers, we helped Bradley (our cousin James' son) practice his baseball with his mom, Tara. He wore all of us out. ^^; The rest of the night was uneventful 'cause I really don't remember much. Braedon, James and Tara's youngest, was still a bit sick, so he wasn't too happy to see an influx of people so suddenly. I went on back down to Aunt Judy's and pretty much vegged the rest of the night.

Sunday was pretty lazy, too. Got up, went to church. Got to see a lot of friends again, met a couple of new people. ^^ The more I see of the new (to me; he's been there for a little over a year now) preacher, the more I like about him and his family. He'll never replace Denton (the former preacher who died two years ago), but then, he's not supposed to "replace" anyone. Anyway, went back to Aunt Judy's and then Rea's for lunch (Rea is Uncle Wayne's mom; she lives in a house beside his 'cause of her illness). Tara brought Braedon down for lunch, and he was in a bit better mood than the previous night. Lisa and I helped Bradley practice again, but this time we wore him out. =3 We vegged for a while longer before evening church. After church, a big group of us went to Casa Ole for supper afterwards (kind of a church tradition). ^^ Gotta love the Gringo-Mexican food! It's not even TexMex. Gringo-Mexican is my word for Mexican food that is nowhere near what we get here in Central Texas. The "salsa" was more like flavored ketchup, and I had a hard time trying to figure out what "gravy" and "San Antonio sauce" was for the chicken enchiladas. And "green sauce" was apparently guacamole. Green sauce to me is made from tomatillas. ::shakes head:: They didn't even serve tortillas with the meal, unless you got fajitas. Then we went to WalMart with James and Tara (Uncle Wayne stayed home with Braedon; they didn't want him getting out just yet) and got some things for Lisa to make breakfast for all of us. Lisa wanted to go ahead and make the tortillas that night, but Tara didn't have Crisco. ^^;; I went down the hill to sleep shortly after that.

(Is it sad that while Sunday was the lazier day, I wrote more for it? ^^;;;;;)

Anyway, Monday had another trip to WalMart for us. ^^; But that was after breakfast, of course. =3 Lisa made tortillas and directed me to make potatoes and eggs. ^^ Sooooo good. After that, Lisa, Bradley, and I went with Aunt Judy and Uncle Wayne to Wally World. Got food. Came back. ^^; I worked a while on my translation project while watching Fruits Basket. Lisa had Lucy playing while she napped, and Bradley watched cartoons. Then we had chicken spaghetti over at Rea's for supper (something my aunt makes whenever we go visit). ::drools:: Sooooo good! Then I hung out at James and Tara's with their family until time for bed. ^^;

I walked with Uncle Wayne Tuesday, and then it pretty much had the same pattern as Monday (but without the trip to WalMart). When I left, Tara and Bradley were getting started on painting her bathroom. Mind, this was about 11 PM. She painted until she ran out of paint around 1:30, did some stuff around the house (laundry, making her bed back up, etc.), then went to WalMart at 3 AM to get more paint ('cause the night manager wouldn't be back from lunch until then), and came back to paint until 4:30. - -;;;

Wednesday we painted. And painted. Went to church. And then I painted a bit more to finish up the details. ^^;;;;;; Basically, we painted a simple seascape in Tara's bathroom. The top half was blue, the bottom half was beige (it looked like sand dunes =3), and I painted cattails and a couple of other little things on the sand area. Julianne (Denton's wife) and her kids came over to Tara and James' after church so Braedon and Julianne could get reaquainted (more on that later). We all had a great time watching some funny church event videos and eating sugar. =3333

We traveled to Houston Thursday, after dropping Braedon off at Julianne's while we picked up Shelby (Julianne's daughter). ^^ We met my other cousins, Jennifer and Scott, on the road and they took Lisa in their SUV (we had been traveling 6 people in a Tahoe that only held 5 - shhhhhh). Met Alfred at the zoo, where we had lots of fun. =3 I gots me a small plushie white tiger, and Alfred bought Lisa an orangatan now named Tang. James, Tara, Shelby, and Bradley left for home after the zoo 'cause they wanted to go see how Braedon did. Lisa, Alfred, and I went with Jennifer and Scott to Beaumont and ate at Fujiyama's. ::drool:: If you ever have a chance to go to a habatchi grill, GO!! We had the best time and great food! =33333 We drove back to Aunt Judy's that night 'cause we were gonna leave the next day.

Friday morning, I was ready to leave around 11 or so, but Lisa and Alfred wanted to go walking with Uncle Wayne. So, we all walked. And walked. And walked. It wouldn't've been so bad if we did Uncle Wayne's normal route, but he wanted to go down the other road a ways and look for cans (he picks up the cans on the side of the road while he walks) 'cause we didn't get any on the first road. We eventually left...around 2 hours later than we'd planned, but that's okay. Drove home. I was originally planning on going to Granny's for supper, but I was waaaay tired after that. Then I started getting caught up on all that had happened over the past week.

So, that was my spring break.

Edit, 7:11 PM

Now I'm going to fix my laptop's keyboard, as it decided to die on me just as I was finishing this post the first time. ><

Edit, 9:01 PM

Keyboard problems fixed. Apparently, it just wanted a good cleaning. ^^;;;;

spring break, phil, family

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