Brought to you by the letter 'Z'

Mar 05, 2005 23:40

Ne, Luna? Remember that dollmaker that we had way too much fun with? They have the boy dollmaker up now! =3 And they have some pretty black wings now!

Lisa (my sister) has informed me that I don't update enough. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean I haven't updated. And, unlike YOUR Xanga, you CAN comment on my LJ. :p Same goes with Alfred (her boyfriend). And, due to this, I'm updating with much randomness.

I'm feeling loads better than I was even earlier in the week. I still have a bit of a cough, but it's slowly going away. I think the inhaler helps calm my lungs down too.

My cat has an obsession over my teal pillow with the styrofoam beads inside. ^^;;; She likes to nap on it.

Yes, I know....bed.... - -;;;; Especially if I have to take my aunt to the airport in the morning.

notes to luna, reclusive, family

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