
Oct 01, 2004 12:18

I made public another insane chat between Luna and I....stress, sleepiness, and tests just don't mix.

My Japanese test went okay and definitely a lot faster than the first one. I even had time to snag some lunch at the Union. ^^ Mmmmm...Forccachia poppers (like mini calzones except the edges aren't sealed)...

We didn't get our tests back in linguistics, but Alexis (we have a grad. student teaching the class) promised them for Monday. I liked the syntax and morphology stuff, but I'm not too sure about the semantics.... I should give it a bit more time, ne?

I dun wanna read for my lit class! The author's writing style is so dull, I almost think Hemingway is more exciting. >< And I really dislike Hemingway books (but not his cats. I want one of his cats. ::nodsnods::). Even my readings for JFP are more exciting.

::sighs:: I'm bored..... I should make some new icons for my LJ and make a new look, but I'm being lazy.... Maybe I can do the killer rabbit theme I'd been thinking about. I have the pictures, but I haven't made icons out of them yet. Maybe tonight....

boredom, school

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