John and Rodney as a pairing

Mar 25, 2009 12:10

As much as I love the nc-17 side of it, John and Rodney work for me because they are so much more than that.

It's 5 years down the road. They've been an established couple for quite awhile now.

They're eating dinner together and Rodney reaches over with his napkin and wipes the corner of John's mouth. John hates that, except when he doesn't.

It's the look in Rodney's eyes. He's seen it a hundred times, long before he recognized what it meant. That, I love you, you idiot. I'm taking care of you for the rest of our lives. Get used to it.

And that's why John lets Rodney wipe at his face in public, just grins and doesn't say a word.

So m'dears, how about a tiny glimpse of what makes them work as a couple for you?

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