*whistle, whistle*

May 27, 2003 19:49

photography schmotography
I'm going to work on a self portrait assignment today. It's going to be, well, difficult. Mostly because i'm not even fond of my likeness in pictures. It'll take lots of patience, as well. *sigh* Maybe some will turn out okay, anyway. Let's hope.

Getting paid for no work is the best. I came in yesterday and bitched at Rich for making me show up and no having me work, so we came to an agreement of him paying so long as I don't yell at him again. Fantabulous.

I'm opening my account at Washington Mutual tomorrow. Easy access to my $ = very good. To hell with this maternal dependency. I think i'll try for direct deposit now, as well.

I have a very shorttime to a) bring up my economics grade from an F to a D at LEAST and b) find a minimum of 3 excuse notes for specific dates my teacher thinks are unexcused absences. Dammit dammit. And now I have to come in the last day to work on finals that everyone will have done on the Friday previous. Ugh. Oh, well. Price one pays for well deserved vacations. Mmm.

new york, new york
Ideas for what I should do when I get there? Anyone? Anyone? =) ::excited beyond belief::

recent health conditions
i've been way too exhausted lately. i think i should take vitamins. and work on the (nonexistent) diet/exercise routine. joining a gym the week after school is over. recommendations? LA Fitness = too rich for my blood (so don't recommend that one).

I saw Y Tu Mama Tambien yesterday. It was real good. Definitely pleased. Saw Bruce Almighty the day before that. Also good. I realize I still haven't seen any films i'm dissapointed in this year. I hope to keep it up =) . Makes me feel as though I haven't waste time. And this is always a good feeling.

The length of this post is being determined by how long it takes for my phone to ring. The moment it does, I know my folks are here to pick me up from work. Which will hopefully be soon, seeing as how the quicker i'm out, the quicker I get my work done, and the quicker I can get to bed (which is exactly what i've been waiting for since I woke up).

One thing that I am noticing, though, is that my typing is excessively loud amidst the current extreme quiet of the office. No music, no talking, just clack clack clacking. I wonder if it bothers anyone. I'm kind of almost enjoying it.

Jorge is supposed to pick me up so we can finally go for sushi.. We'll see how this goes. Hopefully, it will be a success. I haven't spen enough time with him since he's gotten here. =( Jerk ::punches::.

Anyone up to going to the beach? Dancing? Definitely cutting my hair this weekend. Pictures will be posted and you can all say "oh my GOD what did you do to yourslef?!" =) But I will be pleased as it will be excessively short. Just as it should be.


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