Ups and downs

Sep 05, 2006 21:56

Well, things are going pretty well right now. I'm taking some really hard classes, CVA (Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy) with Runquist. Those of you who went to BSC know what that translates to: 10plus hours in lab, plus study time every week. Our first day she told us we had to memorize 92 bones in the skull and be able to point them out as well as their function in both the cat and human skull by the next tuesday, 5 days away. That was stressful, but I think I actually did ok on it, but it entailed, you guessed it, 10 hours in lab and studying at home. Evidently it only gets harder from here. But it is my last semester, and I am soooooo ready to be done with the whole school and all its rich, snobby clientele. For all the problems and pain its caused me, people had better be throwing jobs at me when i graduate because I went to BSC. I'm a little worried about my senior project, mainly cause I just have so much left to do on it. I'm also taking Psychology of Learning, which is a 400 level also, but is really relevent to what I want to do, and also very interesting to me. I've been helping out with the rats, and they are too cute. They are still babies, so they are very small. I got to pick mine, and I named her freckles because she has dots on her back. The only thing that is really worrying me right now is CVA, because we have to do a cat dissection and I hope I can handle it emotionally. My cat, Luna, came down with lymphatic cancer this summer, had surgery and was doing really good, but I noticed she has a lump on her throat this week, and its pretty big. This means that it will probably start encroaching on her airway soon, and once it starts affecting her quality of life, I'm going to have to have her put to sleep. I love her so much, she's my baby. I raised her since I rescued her when she was 4 weeks old, and she is five now. It doesn't help that me and Katie lost our dachsund over the summer to the same type of cancer. He was only two. We've also been worried since they both came down with lymphocarcinoma within weeks of each other after both having lived in our apartment for a year. So yay, my apartment may have a carcinogen. Of course the complex is like, "wow, what a weird coincydink! imagine that!" and won't let us out of our lease. But at least its only a few more months, and hopefully that won't do any more damage. But if I get lung cancer, I am definitely suing. It's hard being away from home after being home with my family and Bo all summer. I have friends in huntsville, and I just haven't been able to really connect with anyone at BSC. I miss having a group of friends to laugh with and joke around with at school. I had a friend group originally, but they all graduated, and I miss them. I've taken to eating with the drama department, which is fine, they are funny, but I don't really know any of them very well now that Sarah is gone:-( so i feel kinda out of place, like an interloper. Being at school just makes me feel like an annoying dork that is in people's way, but I guess that is just how it goes. Ah well. NE ways, this was kinda a long post, but i figured since I only write, like once a year I might as well. I may be writing more this semester just out of stress, so I apologize in advance- feel free to skim over/skip my whinings! ;-)
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