Introspective on Writing & Reading

May 04, 2008 14:00

So I just read this article and this response to it.  This blog also spoke to me concerning these topics, sort of.  Not exactly on point, but still emphasizes a few thoughts here and that Michelle made. Now, I'm not published or experienced in the business but something struck me as odd in Richard's post.  (For those of you with experience, please feel free to correct me.)

Richard Morgan was speaking of the issues that writers within the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres seem to have with each other and sub genres. The 'pure' fantasists hate the urban fantasists.  Urban fantasists think the 'pure' fantasists are in a rut and need to move on. Etc. Etc. Etc.

Ironically, I just saw a blog concerning JD Robb/Nora Roberts (one in the same for those who don't know) and how the community is now questioning how to shelve her JD Robb stories since she is primarily a romance writer.  I also have multiple friends online who are writers and though they may not be heavily published, they tend to have projects in more than one genre.  One writes 'pure' Fantasy and has just sold a trilogy for an Urban Fantasy. Another writes Paranormal Erotica and Urban Fantasy.

Now while I agree with Mr. Morgan that writers shouldn't dis other writers b/c they do not enjoy their genre or style of writing, I can't help but wonder how big of an issue this is.  All the online writers I know read multiple genres gladly (even sub genres *gasp*) and post book reviews and recommendations.  They reviews focus on the quality of the writing and story, not the genre. But like I said, they cross genres in their writing as well.

So is this some kind of self-loathing? Or what?

But beyond that, why would other writers gripe about other genres, especially sub genres? They should be proud that they either write in the genre that birthed such creativity or respect their roots of those who paved the way. I read multiple genres. I write multiple genres. I can't imagine only having one genre to read/write. If someone had turned down the first Urban Fantasy novel (which I would guess came out around the time of like Dracula), where would we be? And don't forget the first Science Fiction. Wouldn't that be like War of the Worlds or Journey to the Center of the Earth? And those to me, make me think Contemporary Science Fiction b/c they took place in the time period they were written, right? (I could totally be off, but you get the point... hopefully.)

Anyway, I thought it sad that this is an issue and ventured forth to express my opinion and now humbly ask all your own. And not just my writer friends. I want to hear from the readers. Do you care? Does it matter that there are tons of sub genres popping up practically daily, etc?  Let's get a good discussion going...

opinions, sub genres, genre, writing, articles, discussion

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