Book Review: Magic Burns

Apr 05, 2008 00:24

I just finished reading Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews and could not be happier with the sequel to Magic Bites!  And to know there is a third one on the way is a huge treat!! Regretfully it will probably be close to a year til it comes out.

Kate Daniels is still a firey merc who also works for the Order.  She quickly becomes involved in a mystery and works diligently to put together the puzzle. Luckily, Curran is still around. *swoon* And JUST as yummy as before.

Ilona does an amazing job building a unique Atlanta.  You feel the city as it was so keenly. I'm always impressed by that, especially having never been to Georgia. But then she'll toss in something so random when the magic us up that I have to blink.  Personally, my favorite is the ghost-bear with antlers and fire down its back. Really. It's good stuff.

There is one printing error that is completely not Ilona's fault and probably not the editors... it's a small thing. In the word 'responsibility' toward the second third of the book (I'll not tell you the page number), there is a pi symbol.

So if you haven't already, go... BUY!! READ!!!!

book review, ilona andrews, magic burns, magic bites

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