Book Review: Dead to Me

Jan 14, 2008 13:07

Dead to Me by Anton Strout... his first entry into the fabtastic world of urban fantasy.

It's a fun read full of quick wit and pithy quips.  I couldn't put it down, though I didn't thoroughly get into the book til the third chapter.  I love the characters, especially Simon whose sarcasm and dry humor keep me chuckling and the story rolling.  My favorite was the climax which mixes both action, humor and the unexpected.

Anton has taken the Ghostbusters, Men in Black and Bedknobs and Broomsticks, tossed them in a blender, added a few fish and created a great book.  He has some new twists on old ideas, new things and it has the best use of Lifesavers and fish ever in a book.

*My apologies to Anton for this short review. Surgery prevents further typing. It deserves so much more! Ado!!

lifesavers, book review, fish, urban fantasy, funny, anton strout, dead to me

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