May the Force Be with Katie

Dec 12, 2010 12:27

I'm behind on my internet... I know.  I just found "May the Force be with Katie" today.  And wow.  Just wow.

There was one article that said something that kind of annoyed me:

Here is the quote:
It's tough to lay out anti-bullying rules for kids so young, but tougher still to know how to protect the bully's perennial target: geeks, nerds and anybody whose interests stray from the norm.

But riddle me this... are we (as in geeks, nerds, etc.) really so far from the "norm" anymore?  I like lists so let me list some things that are probably considered geeky, etc. and yet are HUGELY popular and mainstream:

1. WOW (aka World of Warcraft) - sci-fi/fantasy video game with MILLIONS of players around the world

2. Harry Potter - a glasses wearing wizard yet probably one of the most popular books series in the world.   (You can't tell me that Harry isn't a little bit nerdy.  And look at Hermione?  And sweet dorky Ron.  I love these guys!  These are the people I would have wanted to hang-out with at school.)

3. Comic-Based Movies... and aren't comic books still considered geeky?  I mean, Superman has been around for ages.  Even redone a couple times.  Spiderman.  X-Men & Wolverine.  Thor.  The Green Lantern.  Iron Man... shall I go on?

4. Comic Cons - 10's of thousands of people CRAM themselves into venues, often in homemade costumes of their favorite comic, anime or sci-fi fantasy series.  (Homemade stuff used to be geeky too but it's seeing a comeback thankfully since I'm a craftaholic.)

5. Glee - I was in Show Choir, which is basically what Glee is.  What I wouldn't have done for that show to be around a decade ago because, despite the fact that the Glee group is somewhat ostracized, I think the show is helping garner more popularity for these kind of groups.
6. Star Wars - A hugely popular book and movie series seen around the world I think... or at least around a lot of it.

7. Star Trek - See above. :)  (Oh, Captain Picard, I still think you're the hottest captain to date!!  Bald is sexy, baby!)

I could go on, but I think you get the point.  Is being 'geeky' really something outside of 'the norm' or is it so uncool to be interested in these things when so many people are into them?  Isn't that the definition of 'popular culture'?  Something that so many people are interested in that the movie studios and book publishers are willing to invest in them because they'll get a huge return?

People are still carrying around the 1950's definition of cool: jock, cheerleader, etc.  But do you know how many of them are also into Star Wars or Comic-based movies, etc.?  When are we going to get over this and just be happy being who we are?

But back to Katie and being yourself - I did feel that the most important part of her story was that she talked to her mother and that her mother rallied for support.  My sixth grade year is referred to as my "Year of Hell" in my household.  I wouldn't have survived had I not talked to my mom about it, had she not been supportive, and had she not apparantly had weekly phone conversations with my homeroom teacher.  (I didn't know that last portion for years.)  But because of that and the constant support at home from both of my parents (and even my sister who apparently kept some bullies away from me and I didn't notice either... yeah, I was kind of innocent and oblivious to a lot... well protected), I am happy with who I am.  Yes, I have self-doubts and struggle with weight-issues, but I overall am happy in my life and adore my family and those things don't dictate how I choose to express myself.  And I know that it all stems from the fact that my mom and I started talk when I was young.  I wasn't afraid to tell her the big stuff.  I'm still not.  TMI is not something you hear in my family.

So I guess I kind of have two points to this post: 1. Being geeky is universal now and we all just need to be loud and proud! and 2. the love and support of one's family is one of the greatest gifts out there.

self-confidence, wow, family, katie, love, comics, world of warcraft, support, glee, may the force be with katie, star trek, harry potter, star wars, nerds, cons, geeks

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