Book Review: On the Edge

Oct 12, 2009 09:16

So you all know that I am a lathering and faithful
ilona_andrewsfan.  She writes the Kate Daniels series and they are simply delicious (well, Curran is delicious but the stories are phenominal).  Ilona has started a new series, another Urban Fantasy, and about 'The Edge', a world between worlds.

On the Edge has a very unique setting.  There is 'our world' as we know it: highways, video games, no magic.  Then there is a completely fantasy world: magic, were-creatures, kingdoms, etc.  But then there is 'in-between' and it's called The Edge.  There is no real law in the Edge.  It's more rustic and the people are closer knit yet very competitive about who has more power, etc.  Rose's family is well-known for various reasons but one big one being her strength and control of her 'flash' (it's a defensive/offensive spell that is a striking out of magic).  This story has Rose meeting Declan, a nobelman/warrior from the fantasy world.  He inserts himself into her life as they try to deal with mysterious magically cursed animals reeking havoc in the Edge.

I love Curran.  Don't get me wrong.  He'll always have a special plae in my heart... but I could eat Declan with a spoon.  He has a wicked sense of humor and with his regal bearing, Rose is caught off-guard most of the time.  They have very fun dialogue that had me laughing and giggling throughout the entire story.  But there was alot of action too.

It's a very fast-paced story with Ilona Andrew's creative twists laced throughout it.  I love the unexpected and she ALWAYS delivers.  Definitely pick this book up.

My favorite line is and shall always be:  "Get the guns.  We're going to Walmart."

book review, ilona andrews, urban fantasy, funny, declan, witty, romance, kate daniels, on the edge

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