Book Review: The Sword-Edged Blonde

Aug 28, 2009 17:04

I haven't done one of these in a while, but then again, I haven't been reading a ton lately either.

The Sword-Edged Blonde is the first in the Eddie LaCrosse series by Alex Bledsoe... and omg did I laugh.  It's not that it's a comedy but Eddie gets some really good lines.  My favorite part is the tone.  It reads like a 1930's gumshoe detective novel somewhat yet it's a fantasy novel with swords and kings and queens.  Oh, and Eddie has a particular not-love of horses that provides much amusement through the entire tale.

Alex Bledsoe did an awesome job moving you through the story, getting in flashbacks, creating a well-rounded character in Eddie and completely surprising me many many times.  I often get an idea of how a story will end, and I had my theories, but the one I got was not what I thought it would be.

And he throws out clues and misdirections like JK Rowling, which I hope he knows is high praise coming from me b/c it's on the most impressive things about her novels.  Your reading and enjoying the story so thoroughly that something that becomes important later seemed insignificant at the time yet you remember reading it.  Very impressive.

So, thank you,Alex Bledsoe.  And thank you, Zombie Joe for such an awesome recommendation!!  (Oh yeah, and the book!!) ;)

the sword-edged blonde, book review, zombie joe, fantasy, gumshoe, detective, alex bledsoe, novel

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