Jun 19, 2008 08:48

Who would you pick to play Kate Daniels in a movie?

We were having a lovely discussion over at 
brian_ohio AKA eyeball boy's blog about which books we'd love to see  made into movies and, of course, Ilona's books came up.

So I pose this question to all my friends... what books would you like to see as movies and who would you have star in them?  If you are an author, I'd LOVE to hear who you imagine in your own books.  Personally,
salamet and I thought Sadra Bullock would be good for Kate Daniels- she has the comedy and action film experience, plus she's not stick thin.

Ok- discuss!!

UPDATE: For the Kate Daniel series, we have nominations for Rachel Weisz, Jessica Beal, Charlize Theron, Angelina Jolie (just to name a few)... but WHO FOR CURRAN?!?!?!!

question, ilona andrews, kate daniel, movies, magic bites, magic burns, books, books to movies

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