Sep 14, 2004 18:18
Said "I love you" and meant it?:No, well Im not sure:-\
Been to New York?:No
Been to Florida?:Yes
Hawaii?: Yes
Mexico?: No
China?: No
Canada?: Yes
Danced naked?: N0o?
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: Yes
Wish you were the opposite sex?:Not Really,
Had an imaginary friend?: Yes, But Not Serious
Red or blue?:Red
Spring or fall?: Spring
Last noise you heard?:TV
Things you like in a girl/guy?: Sweet, Nice, Some One I Feel Comfortable With
Do you have a crush on someone?: Yes;*
What book are you reading now?: None
Whats the worst feelin in the world: Finding Out Someone You Love Dies, Or Something bad happens
How many rings before you answer?:1 or 2
future daughter's name:Keshawnna, Tayshawnna, or Lauren
Future son's name:Keshaun
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?:A Model
Lefty, righty or ambidextrous?:righty
What's under your bed?: Nothin, Jus Cleaned it=]
Siblings: 5, step sister Brittany, Brother Shawn, 2 Half Brothers, Eddie and Bryn and 1 half sister nicole
Location:Roseville michigan
Do you do drugs?:No
Do you drink:Sometimes
Who is your best friend?:Ashley.C//Tara
Is she true to you?:YES
Are you ever scared of losing her?: Yes, but that wont happen so NO
Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?:Dove, mostly
What are you most scared of?: Losing someone i love<3
What clothes do you sleep in?PJ's or Tee
Who is the last person who called you?:Tinika
Where do you want to get married?:A church or outside
If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?:My Nose
Who do you really hate: No one
Favorite number: 7
Been In Love?:No
What Type Automobile Do You Drive: Cant Drive Yet, But i wanna Jaguar=]
Are You Timely Or Always Late: Timely, sometimes
Do You Have A Job: Yes.
Do You Like Being Around People: Sometimes
Are you for world peace: Yes, no more racism =:\
Are you a health freak:No
Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex:Yes
Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After:No, im not sure=\ nothing i can type
Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: No
Ever Liked a close boy/Girl Friend: Yes
You Lonely Right Now:No
Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married:Kinda=\
Do You Want To Get Married:yes
Want Kids?:Yes
Room In house:My room
type(s) of music: Rap, R&B
Song: J-Kwon, #7 from his CD<33
Day Of The Week:Friday
Color: Pink.
Perfume and/Or Cologne: Vinilla Sugar
Cried: No
bought Something:No
gotten Sick: no
Sang: yes
Said I Love You: yea
Had Sex: NO
Moved On: No
Talked To Someone: Yes
Had A Serious Talk: Not really
Missed Someone: Kinda
Hugged Someone: Yes
Kissed Someone: Yes
fought With Your Parents: Yes
Took That From Melodie<3 which took it From Sara.