
May 18, 2004 18:58

I know i havn't written in a while, just havn't been online much, and i just havn't had time!! Ughh frustrating!!

Man it has been a hella time!!!
Friday of last week i went shopping
Saturday i had  band banquet, and i went with my friend Sammy, got home from that around 11:45pm, went to eat, took Sammy Home, dropped off Johnathan, and finally got to tamicas house, and we fell asleep around 1...
Alarm clock went off at 6am
Got up and went to church between 6am-12:45
Mom came and got me
We drove to Kay's house(mom's friend),Kiley(best friendGrowing^),(Keth,kileys friend), and went to IKEA, got really pissed off cause keth was stuck up off her ass and made me push the buggy around, and i didn't get to look at all the stuff upstairs(they have individual rooms that are decorated,and down stairs they have all the stuff to buy..) But whatever, i don't care, it's not like i was trying to steal kiley away, and i could tell it was getting on kiley's nurves. But oh well!!

Monday School- It was a hella long day...i was tired, and then i get home, and moms mad cause i fell asleep, and we had to go pick up my grandparents, drive em' out to Joyce & Less's,   cause my grandpa has a doctor appmt. in Houston, so they took em'.  Then we decided we'd goto Old Navy *Mel Yay's* and then i bought a pair of jeans, a shirt, a jacket, and a purse, for about $35.00, ain't bad for Old Navy! and then mom wanted to go to Khole's so we went in there, and i picked up two photo albums, and i'm going to decorate em' and stuff, so people can put there pics in there, and stuff. So that was a cool idea, it ain't gonna work out how i want it to but that's ok!

Tuesday School- It was another long day, too long infact, but i found out i can exempt ALMOST all my classes still ain't sure on ASL 2, which means i wouldn't have to goto school at all, all next week!! Which makes it to where i have a week "off" and graduate that weekend! Isn't that scary *Mel shed's a tear* Scaryness!! I  took my twin home today (melissa) and then trey decided to drive around, i bought us a coke, and we decided to go see mom at work, picked up our new cell phones' (Mel Yays again) and then i came home played with the cell alil, got a major headache, took some advil, and straightend up house, since mom got mad at me yesterday!

Basically that's about all that's been going on...i'm really nerveous about graduating, i know i'm going to cry, and its funny cause im stuck sitting between Travis and Petry at graduation, well theres another girl sitting next to me, but sides' that, it's gonna be fun, cause there really funny! Amazing how i've grown so much, not only "physically" but emotionally as well. I've made so many new friends, and it's like they made me realize, i am who i am, and i can't change that. And in all honestly, i'm not all that sure id' wanna change who i really am, cause then if i did that, i'd hate myself even more! hehe...that makes sense, doesn't it.

Well ima get off here now! SoO Sorry about not writing in a while!!!

Maria: "This is my eraser Shaquita, and it says hello..." ahh lmao, i love it!!!

"Watch Us Soar Class of 2004!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Catalyst you insist to pull me down, it's all down hill from here!!
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