
May 12, 2004 22:17

"I guess i keep dreaming, because I can..."

I know it's been awhile since i have written, and i'm really sorry...
But everythings so busy right now, it's really upsetting me, cause  of graduation and concerts and final homework, research papers, just to tired and general, and here lately i havn't really seen anyone of importance online, really (dont be offended)
I gotta kitten...so that kinda brightened me up, i dont know if i wrote about him..His names Linkin, and hes gray and white, and he's a brat! but playfull, and loable! So yea i'm happy with him

SO i said ill takea break..
I found out my GPA and my Class Rank, of which i  will not say, because of the fact that it just made me cry..

Congradulations to my Best friend Tamica For being #12
And Karla for #17

I'm debating on going to San Jacinto College, instead of Lee College, that or i'm just going to get my "basics" at LC, and then transfer to SJ if i can do that, that is....I don't know..
Flute playing? -- Doubt it...

I found out i have vacation on Aug. 8th- Aug. 16th...I think
But i'm going to Pensacola, Florida, or around there, just to let you know if i dissapear between that time and yea...

Anywho...Tomorrow, i pick up my Cap & Gown, *tear*
Only 3 weeks left, if even that long...And i'm really scared, really sad, really nerveous...
I dunno, basically lifes just really busy right now, and i guess that's all that i have to say about that, and that i might be also going to North Carolina instead of Washington cause James's (sisters husband) his "Orders" got changed...so yea...

Anywho...That's all for those that actually take the time to read my So called
"Busy Life.."


"So i wake up , put on my make up, i need to break out, stand inside a crowd, i wanna scream aloud!! And i'll be ok, get up off the floor, i cant take anymore. Leaving it all behind, cause yesterday's gone.."

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